[情報] [台服]2022/7/14 活動與系統公告

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2022/7/14 活動與系統公告 #新客戶端版本1.5.0.86: *修訂BUG:血條有可能顯示錯誤。 *下載點: ik-download.g-thunder.com member.lager.com.tw/event/iking_download/index.html #熟練度加速活動 : * 應回流玩家要求,特開啟技能和魔法熟練度免費加速, 此活動為測試性質,在活動結束後將會進行檢討。 * 7/15重啟~7/28重啟,角色擁有兩個職業(含二個)以下的技能與魔法的 熟練度將免費加速100%,並且可與商城的加速卷軸疊加。 #調整:魔法能量水晶II調升取得高轉數的機率。 #修訂BUG:修正重複登出入導致角色技能與魔法的熟練度增加速度加快的問題。 #修訂BUG:紅石裝備在轉移時會有可能導致等級錯誤的問題。(重啟後生效) #New client *Fix BUG: The HP-BAR will be wrong sometime. *Download Link: ik-download.g-thunder.com member.lager.com.tw/event/iking_download/index.html #The Practice speedup event: *Because there are some RETURN-PLAYERs, we will open the special event for them. The roles that have one or two classes will speedup skill(and magic) practices for free. This event is a test, and it will be reviewed after the event is completed. *7/15 reboot ~ 7/28 reboot, The roles that have one or two classes will get double speedup of practices for their skills and magics, and it is free. You can use the speedup-scroll in this event. #Modification: the crystal-3 will get more probability of high turns. #Fix BUG: the practice of skill(magic) could speedup by repeating log-in and log-out. #Fix BUG: The equipment of the RED-STONE could have a wrong level when transferred to another role. (This will activate after reboot) ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KOK/M.1659057095.A.805.html
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