[情報] [台服]2022/6/22 系統公告
2022/06/22 系統公告
#英雄雕像額點轉換所需金幣, 若錢包不足以支付將自動扣除銀行帳戶,
以方便玩家操作。此項將於 6/23重啟後生效。
#The GOLD expense of exp-bonus will be automatically charged
by your bank if your wallet is not enough to pay.
This will be activated after reboot of 6/23.
#We will consider the reward of crystal-war by checking the
roles of joining the event from time to time.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/KOK/M.1656168317.A.8BE.html
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