[情報] [台服]2022/6/23 系統公告

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2022/6/23 系統公告 以下修訂將於6/24重啟後生效。 #追加:寶石拆卸改成可以選擇是否使用綁定的寶石精華 #修正:原始計算錯誤,導致物理抗性沒有抵抗劍氣。 修訂此BUG,使物理抗性可以減少劍氣的傷害。 #修正:修訂聖者魔法-完全醫療的訊息錯誤(原始會出現$N)。 #追加:紫水晶礦坑魔力爐增加新功能 : 取消分解, 將試行至7/7,再行檢討和調整。 * 開始時,額外放入500萬金幣,可以讓應被分解的裝備不被分解, 而變成從魔力爐掉出。 The following will be activated after REBOOT of 6/24. #Modify: when you remove the GEM from equipment you can use any type of GEM-ESSENCE. #FIX BUG: The physic-resistance should reduce the power of SWORDKEE(劍氣). #FIX-BUG: The spell of SAINT(聖者), FULL-HEAL(完全醫療), has the wrong message. #ADD FEATURE: The crystal-furnace of purple add a new feature: Cancel Vanishing(取消分解). * This feature will be checked in 7/7, and maybe it will be modified or canceled. * In the beginning, you can choose the "button" and pay 500 million GOLD. And it will change the put-in equipment from "vanish" to "drop", if the equipment will be vanished. ※ 編輯: intela57650 ( 臺灣), 06/25/2022 22:47:27
文章代碼(AID): #1Yjn-uHo (KOK)
文章代碼(AID): #1Yjn-uHo (KOK)