[心得] Ver 0.3.4 更新情報
看板Ikariam (Ikariam - 遠古文明)作者Gradyfx (Grady)時間14年前 (2010/05/07 15:33)推噓22(22推 0噓 9→)留言31則, 15人參與討論串1/1
官網原文: http://board.ikariam.org/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=78989
台板官方翻譯: http://board.tw.ikariam.com/index.php?page=Thread&postID=198986
"v0.34的更新主要為修補目前的所知的v0.33上的bug. 此次改版將直接改至v0.34 同時也
包含v0.33的更新內容. 改版時間將另外公告"
以下非正式官方翻譯, 官方翻譯的有些問題, 所以重翻如下, 僅供參考.
Feature: It is now impossible to call back armies from occupied or allied
cities via the military screen if your own town is occupied or if the
respective harbour is blocked, unless it's on the same island.
在以下情況下, 你將不能召回你的部隊, 除非兩村在同座島上:
1. 你所督管的村的港口被封鎖.
2. 你駐紮的盟友村的港口被封鎖.
3. 你自己部隊的出發村已被督管.
Feature: It is now possible to partially withdraw garrisons from a fight.
Bugfix: Safe capacity of warehouses was incorrect when raiding inactive
players (0.75% instead of 1%)
修正: i羊被掠奪時的倉庫安全量為容量的1% (之前誤值為0.75%)
Bugfix: A bug with the highscore calculation with future researches was
修正: 排行榜未來科技被錯誤計分的bug已修正. (譯註: 每次改版都會說已修正..)
Bugfix: A bug causing a white page while trying to delete a town was fixed.
修正: 在嘗試放棄自己的城鎮時, 錯誤的出現空白頁.
Bugfix: Offers were still valid when demolishing a trading post.
修正: 拆除市場後出價依然存在.
Bugfix: It was possible to send spies though you didn't have enough gold.
修正: 黃金不夠時依然可以派間諜.
Bugfix: Fighting a hostile superiority did not lead to a morale decrease.
修正: 面對比己方強大的敵軍時士氣未正確的降低.
Bugfix: "Unknown Loca-Function" bug fixed. The respective messages are now
displayed correctly. This won't affect town messages that were written before
this update.
修正: "不明翻譯功能"訊息修正, 現在訊息會正常顯示了.
Bugfix: If in a fight besides the wall no other units were still alive so far
both sides lost. From now on the defender will be the winner.
修正: 當戰場上存活的單位只剩下牆時, 原本會判定為雙方皆負, 以後在這種情況下,
Bugfix: If both sides cause the same damage or suffer from the same losses in
a fight during a round we'll now have a new case concerning the morale changes
of this round.
In case of identical losses:
"Due to identical losses on both sides the attacker's morale is decreased by
50 points."
In case of identical damage:
"Due to identical caused damage on both sides the attacker's morale is
decreased by 50 points."
修正: 當雙方傷亡一樣時, 會有新的判定士氣影響的公式.
雙方損失的兵力一致時, 攻方的士氣會降低50點.
雙方造成的傷害一致時, 攻方的士氣會降低50點.
(譯註: 士氣滿值似乎是1000點, 所以50點是5%.
此外, 這邊所謂的一致並沒有寫清楚判定的精度標準.)
Bugfix: It was possible to do "ping" attacks by using one range unit and one
support unit.
修正: 之前可以用一遠程兵+一輔助兵做試探攻擊.
(譯註: 改了以後這方法應該就看不到詳細戰報了)
Bugfix: Display bugs in combat reports fixed.
修正: 戰報的一些顯示錯誤.
Bugfix: Charset bugs in the facebook welcome mail fixed.
修正: 臉書歡迎信的編碼錯誤.
Bugfix: A bug that caused faulty battle fields or battle field sizes was
修正: 錯誤的戰場 / 戰場大小.
Bugfix: In case the defender didn't have troops it could have occurred that
he didn't get a combat report but only the message "You're troops are lost.",
this is now fixed.
修正: 當守方沒有兵力時, 戰敗有可能沒收到戰報, 而只有"您的軍隊已潰散"的訊息.
Bugfix: Players that were in vacation mode for more than 30 days haven't been
taken out of vacation mode automatically, this is now fixed.
修正: 開假超過30天的玩家並沒有被自動脫離假期狀態, 現在會正常離開假期了.
Bugfix: In case the upkeep of a player is faulty this will be automatically
corrected once a day.
修正: 如果維護費被計算錯誤, 從現在起系統會每天自動修正一次.
Other: Data protection information is now accesible from ingame.
其他: 關於資料保全的資訊將可以在遊戲中取得.
(譯註: 此版本都在改bug跟設定, 完全沒有新內容可以玩.)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
05/07 15:37, , 1F
05/07 15:37, 1F
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