[官方] 力量常規前鋒:黃金還是垃圾

看板Hattrick (HT足球管理遊戲)作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間5年前 (2018/09/04 22:01), 5年前編輯推噓3(300)
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本文源於開發者博客,由遊戲開發者親自撰寫 https://devblog.hattrick.org/2018/03/pnf-sitting-in-a-gold-mine-or-just-an- annoyance/ PNF: Sitting in a gold mine or just an annoyance ? 力量常規前鋒:黃金還是垃圾 BY HT-TASOS – POSTED ON MARCH 3, 2018 It’s been almost a season with the new special events, and one of the most discussed change is the new Powerful Normal Forward (PNF). How valuable is he? Should I buy or train one for my team or will it be just a hole in the water ? 新的特殊事件改版上線已經一個賽季, 討論度最高的改變是新出的PNF(Powerful Normal Forward)。 PNF究竟多有價值 ? 應該買或是練,替自己球隊配置一個 ? 還是其實不重要 ? Let’s summarise the rules for the PNF again. You need a powerful forward with high playmaking and scoring. For any such a player, the higher your odds of creating such an event. In specific: 讓我們再次檢視PNF的設定:你需要一個高組織以及高進球的力量特技前鋒, 有這樣的球員,創造這個特殊事件的機率越高。 – With only one PNF, you have 10% chances of letting your players try to score like that. – With two PNFs, the probability increases to 16% – And finally, with three PNFs, you have 20%. 具體而言 - 一個力量常規前鋒,有10%機會出特技。 - 兩個力量常規前鋒,機率提升到16%。 - 三個力量常規前鋒,機率有20%。 When does your team have that opportunity? Right after a missing, normal chance, the probabilities above get into the game. If you are lucky, then the playmaking skill of the chosen PNF is compared against the sum of the defending skill of the central defenders. All side effects (form, stamina, experience, health, loyalty, homegrown bonus) take their part in the calculations. If your opponent doesn’t have any central defenders, then no one is there to stop you reaching the goalkeeper. 什麼時候會出這個特殊事件呢 ? 就在錯失一個普通機會後,前述的機率會導入, 如果你很幸運觸發了特殊事件,被選中PNF的組織技能會對抗對方中後衛的防守技能總和, 所有輔助效果(包括狀態、體能、經驗、健康、忠誠度、母會加成)都會納入計算。 如果對手沒有中後衛,那麼就沒有任何人可以阻止你長驅直入和守門員PK。 If you pass the defenders, and only then, it will be decided if your event is a success or a failure. At this point, the scoring skill of your PNF is compared with the goalkeeping skill of the opponent keeper. Again, all the side effects are applied here too. 成功過了後衛後,和門將的PK會決定你的PNF事件成功還是失敗, PNF進球技能會對抗守門員的守門技能,同樣的,所有輔助效果都會納入計算。 We know how much you love statistics, and that’s why we will give you a taste of PNF. 我們知道大家有多樂愛數據,所以下面會提供PNF的一些數據。 We ran a few simulations with real matches. In every case, the ratings of home and away team were identical. Same with all the players’ attributes. The home team was the one with the powerful players. The Powerful Forward had titanic (15) playmaking and scoring skill. The opponent defender had titanic (15) defending skill and the keeper had extra-terrestrial (16) goalkeeping skill. In every match type (with 1 or 2 PNFs against 0 to 3 central defenders), we ran 3000 simulations and got the following stats: 我們跑了一些模擬,每個案例的主隊、客隊評級完全一樣,球員能力也完全一樣, 不同點是,只有主隊有力量特技球員。 力量前鋒有威力無邊(15)組織以及威力無邊(15)進球, 對手的後衛有威力無邊(15)防守、守門員則有超凡脫俗(16)的守門, 每種比賽類型(1~2個PNF對抗0~3個中後衛)跑了3000次模擬,數據如下: – Win/Tie chances. – Average home goals. – Chances to get at least 1 PNF event. https://i.imgur.com/FznYG4S.png
Win/Tie chances in 3000 simulations https://i.imgur.com/q9JUY5n.png
Average home goals per match in 3000 simulations https://i.imgur.com/ialYddn.png
get at least 1 PNF event in 3000 simulations And what about the case with 3 PNFs? We are aware how much you love the stats and transparency, but we also know how much you love to do your own researches. That’s why we left the last case out of our blog post to let you find more about it. Good luck and see you on our next dev post 等等,怎麼沒有3個PNF的數據 ? 我們知道大家有多渴望數據和透明度, 但是我們也知道大家有多喜歡自己研究數據,所以我們留了三個PNF的部份給大家研究。 祝好運!下一篇開發者博客文章見! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hattrick/M.1536069712.A.038.html

09/04 23:32, 5年前 , 1F
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※ 編輯: bolam (, 09/05/2018 16:44:36

09/05 17:18, 5年前 , 2F
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※ 編輯: bolam (, 09/05/2018 21:32:43

09/06 22:33, 5年前 , 3F
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