新手指引 新球隊應避免犯下之錯誤

看板Hattrick (HT足球管理遊戲)作者 (95 10 23步排入伍)時間11年前 (2013/03/24 13:30), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 CGI-Game 看板 #1HGvSGq1 ] 作者: bolam (95 10 23步排入伍) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: [Hat] Hattrick 新球隊應避免犯下之錯誤 時間: Sat Mar 16 05:47:58 2013 此文一樣為英文版本的新手手冊之的部分章節 1. Should I do some random transfers? No, you should better not do that. Doing transfers without thinking much is a good way to get your team into debts and to leave the game by going bankrupt. You probably don't want to risk that. Better get a training concept first and only buy players after that (you still shouldn't waste for any kind of player that crosses your mind). If you're club's in debt, you might find some tips here: (14543540.17) Q : 我在轉會市場是否可以隨意買人 A : 當然不行,最好不要這樣做。 沒有計劃的買人會讓你的球隊陷入財政麻煩甚至破產。 最好心理有底了解你的訓練計劃後,再去轉會市場買人。 (你仍然應該避免衝動性的轉會),如果你的球隊不幸負債,請去找這篇文章 [post=14543540.17] 2. I didn't set a line-up in my last match/I put less than 9 players on the pitch for the last match. I lost 0:5. Will it have bad consequences for me? Yes. The training for that week is wasted. Q : 我的上一場比賽並未設置好出賽陣容,並且我放了少於9個選手上場, 我以0:5輸掉比賽,這會對我的球隊造成不好的影響嗎? A : 是的, 該場比賽不會有訓練效果 (註 : 亦不會有比賽經驗) (註 : 一場比賽少於9人上場,該場比賽會以0:5敗北, 並且該場比賽不會得到訓練效果) (註 : 如果你很忙,有兩個方法可以避免這樣的情況發生 1. 一次預排很多場比賽的比賽陣容 2. 設置比賽的標準陣容, 你如果忘了排陣, 系統就會用你的預排陣容上陣) 3. I'm spending money for the youth scouting/youth academy. I'm sure it's good thing, because the future belongs to the youth, right? The basic idea isn't that bad, since you're going to give training to young players in your senior squad. But, when investing money in any kind of youth system, you should think on the fact that this is an investment you'll have to do every week in order to get some benefit (and even then it's not granted for sure). It's a lot of money for a new team. It's money that should rather be invested into training or player material for the senior team, or money that should be kept as a reserve until your team gets the first revenues from training. A youth academy will cost you 20,000 BND on a weekly basis and you'll have to keep your youth academy open for six week before you can close (and you can only close it when you're not in a youth league, otherwise you got to wait even longer). Q : 我花錢在投資青年隊以及青年隊球探,因為這些小球員是球隊的未來,對嗎 ? A : 出發點是正確的。 但是你必須有心理準備以下幾點 1. 你想要從青年隊獲利,你必須持之以恆的投資 (註:每週兩萬) 2. 不保證你一定能從青年隊獲利 (註:除非你運氣極差都抽不到好苗,或是你不會你定青年隊計劃,不然不可能不獲利) 3. 如此的投資對新球隊是種負擔,或許你應該省下來,好好的買進小牛, 利用訓練賺錢。 (註:撐的住,一開始幾週的小牛不要買太貴的就是了, 不過的確也有玩家選擇不開青年隊,專心成年隊的訓練以及販人) 4. 青年隊你必須每周投資20000,開設青年隊後,你如果反悔了, 六週後才可關閉青年隊,同時你必須沒有正在參加任何一個青年聯盟) 4. Forum behavior, what's that? This thread, in case you've not noticed, has been placed into the Brunei forum. It's a public forum, just as all national forums for instance. There are rules for all those and you should abide by them. The general forum rules can be found here: (/Help/Rules/HRForum.aspx) (public forums can have specific rules, so watch out for the forum stickies if there are). As said, there are rules and you should respect that. If you do it, you won't get bad surprises. If you open a thread in the questions forum, you should do it in a polite and respectful manner. The people answering you are players just like you and they're spending some of their time on a volunteer basis, just to help you. Q : 在公開論壇發文是否有些規定 ? A : 公開論壇像是國家論壇,的確有些規則。 規則請參[link=/Help/Rules/HRForum.aspx] 有些公開論壇還有些特別的規定,將會以標簽或是其他方式呈現。 在公開論壇發文必須遵守論壇規則,並且有禮貌,否則GM將會進行必要處置。 (註: 是情節輕重,依序為警告,刪文,刪帖,封號) 5. Are standard setups important? If you don't have a standard line-up, you're risking to play a match with less than 9 players. That shouldn't happen without having a standard setup naturally, since a good manager is logging in regularly and knows what's going on in his team, but sometimes real life can upset your plans and it could happen that you can't access Hattrick before the match starts (perhaps Hattrick is down? Or your phone line has been cut all of a sudden by that gang digging a hole in front of your window?) Tip: Each time you save your line-up, check the box next to "Make this the standard setup". That way your last working line-up is also your default setup. Q : 標準設定重不重要 ? A : 如果你沒有排定比賽的標準陣容,如果你忘了比賽排陣, 你將冒著不足9人上場的風險。 (註 : 不足9人,比賽將以0:5落敗,並且該場比賽沒有訓練效果) 所以只要你有排好標準陣容,即使忘了登入排陣, 該場比賽將會也會依標準陣容上場出賽,不會發生不足人數上場的悲劇。 好的玩家會定期登入,但是世事難料,不是嗎 ^^ (註 : 當你排好任何一場比賽的出賽陣容時,你可以儲存這套陣容, 勾選這定這陣容為默認標準陣容,標準陣容就排好了,) -- 大家都在喊三振三振 我就覺得很不爽 我不想最後一個死 BY 陽森 2004.11.11 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bolam (, 時間: 03/24/2013 13:30:34
文章代碼(AID): #1HJezyo0 (Hattrick)
文章代碼(AID): #1HJezyo0 (Hattrick)