新手指引 訓練種類-Part 1

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※ [本文轉錄自 CGI-Game 看板 #1HJTcrSK ] 作者: windfish (鮪魚) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: [Hat] Hattrick 新手指引 訓練種類-Part 1 時間: Sun Mar 24 00:34:57 2013 Training types - Part 1 1. Goalkeeping: Advantages: - only two trainees. You will have more spare money to buy other players in order to reinforce your team - absolute tactical freedom, you can play with any formation (but of course you should avoid the "weird" formations) - fast money: within a season you'll be able to get money. You can use that money to immediately change towards another training type and buy the required trainees - fair transfers: a goalkeeper's skill can always be checked via a suitable goalkeeping tool, knowing the exact skill sub-level is a good thing, as it can make kind of a difference on the transfer market - fast skill ups Disadvantages: - less profit on the long run - the team improves pretty slowly - no really important part of the team is trained and the keeper doesn't even help your defence that much 1.守門訓練 優勢: -僅兩名訓練員。你有更多的餘額購買球員,加強球隊實力。 -完全的戰術自由,你可以使用任何陣型(當然必須避免"怪異"的陣型) -賺錢快:一個賽季內你就能得到金錢上的回報。你可以馬上改變訓練項目,用那筆錢購 買需要的訓練員。 -轉會資訊公開:守門員的技能等級可以用合適的工具測出精確數字(精確至小數點), 在轉會市場上能更精確的估價。 -技能提升速度快。 劣勢 -長遠來說獲利少。 -球隊進步慢。 -球隊獲得訓練的部分非常少,而守門員對防守的貢獻也沒有那麼大。 2. Defending: Advantages: - cheap trainees - from time to time you will be able to bring down a much stronger team (needs some tactical skill, though) - Central defenders and wing backs get 100% of the training effect; this enables you to train up to 5 player per match and up to 10 per week Disadvantages: - Buying 10 good trainees can prove to be expensive - Not much freedom on formations. If you want to take a maximum profit from training, you have to play 5-4-1 or 5-3-2. 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 are also possible for league matches, in which case you will only train 9 players. - The slowest training type around - Victories are more difficult to achieve. If you want to see many goals, you might end up bored. 2.防守訓練 優勢: -訓練員便宜。 -有不少機會以小搏大,贏下比你強大的對手(需要一些戰術技巧)。 -中後衛和邊後衛都能得到100%的訓練效果,一場比賽能訓練五位球員,一周則有十位。 劣勢: -買十位訓練員是很花錢的。 -陣型自由相當低。如果你想讓訓練效果最大化,必須使用5-4-1或5-3-2。4-4-2或4-5-1 用在聯賽也是可行的,不過這樣你只能訓練九位球員。 -訓練速度最慢。 -很難獲得勝利。如果你追求進球,最後可能會感到無聊。 3. Playmaking: Advantages: - reasonable profit - reasonable training speed - It's easier to win matches as your midfield is improved by this training type. - 3-5-2 is the main formation for playmaking training and is also considered to be the best formation for most matches Disadvantages: - other secondary skills (Defending, passing or winger) are required to max out the profits - trainees with secondary skills are expensive, especially since you need to buy 6 inner midfielders and 4 wingers. The first will get 100% of the training effect, the latter only about half as much as the first. 3.組織進攻訓練 優勢: -合理的獲利。 -合理的訓練速度。 -當你的中場球員隨著訓練逐漸變強,贏得比賽也會越來越容易。 -3-5-2是組織訓練最主要使用的陣型,也被認為是最好的陣型。 劣勢: -若想讓獲利最大化,副技能(防守、傳球或邊鋒)是必須的。 -有副技能的球員很昂貴,特別是你需要買六位中場和四位邊鋒。前者得到100%的訓練效 果,後者只有一半。 4. Scoring: Advantages: - only 6 trainees to care about - pretty quick training - improves your attack ratings Disadvantages: - little tactical flexibility: only 3-4-3 and 4-3-3 are available (otherwise at least one trainee out of six won't be trained), 5-2-3 only in very rare cases. - serious trainees are expensive - secondary skills are required (passing or winger) to max out the profit - you will need to amass a serious midfield power by buying those players, which quite difficult for new teams. 4.進球訓練: 優勢: -只需要照顧六位訓練員。 -訓練速度頗快。 -增加你的進攻評級。 劣勢: -低戰術自由度:只能用3-4-3、4-3-3(否則會有一位球員沒得到訓練),5-2-3只有少數狀 況適合。 -好用的訓練員很昂貴。 -若想讓獲利最大化,副技能(傳球或邊鋒)是必須的。 -你需要買不少球員來建立強大的中場,這對新手來說頗為困難。 5. Crossing (Winger) Advantages: - training is fast - trainees are generally cheap (however, high profit is only possible if serious secondary skills are available, which makes buying trainees an expensive trip) - high tactical flexibility (all formations can be used without killing a training spot) Disadvantages: - 4 Trainees (the wing backs) will only get about half of the effect of the training - pretty complex training type: You won't be able to max out profits and to use tactical flexibility without sufficient experience as a manager 5.傳中訓練(邊鋒) 優勢: -訓練速度快。 -訓練員一般來說很便宜。 (然而高獲利必須配合好的副技能,購買這類訓練員自然昂貴) -高戰術自由度(所有的陣型都能使用而不會浪費訓練位) 劣勢: -四位訓練員(邊後衛)只能得到一半的訓練效果。 -訓練計畫複雜:做為球隊經理,你需要足夠的經驗才能活用陣型,並使獲利最大化。 6. Wing attacks Advantages: - allows you to train more players than for crossing Disadvantages: - 10 trainees (which could cost you a bit) - no tactical flexibility in case you want to max out training profits, you are "condemned" to play 3-4-3 (4-3-3 is also a vague possibility) - takes more time than crossing 6.邊翼進攻訓練 優勢: 比起傳中,你能訓練更多球員。 劣勢: -十位訓練員(會花你不少錢) -沒有戰術自由度可言,如果你想最大化訓練效果,只能使用3-4-3(4-3-3也有些為可能性 ) -比起傳中,提升技能會花更多時間。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: windfish 來自: (03/24 01:46) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bolam (, 時間: 03/24/2013 12:48:34
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMZn9 (Hattrick)
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMZn9 (Hattrick)