新手指引 訓練篇-Part 2

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※ [本文轉錄自 CGI-Game 看板 #1HJTUb7k ] 作者: windfish (鮪魚) 看板: CGI-Game 標題: [Hat] Hattrick 新手指引 訓練篇-Part 2 時間: Sun Mar 24 00:26:10 2013 Training - Part 2 8. Which players get skill training? A player gets some training if he has played a match during the week preceding the training update. It does matter where the player played (it must have been on a position relevant for the training type), the number of minutes does matter as well. The full training effect is granted to the player if he has absolved 90 minutes on a relevant position. 8.哪些球員得到訓練效果? 一個球員在訓練更新前上場比賽會得到訓練效果。 訓練效果也和場上位置(和訓練項目有關聯的位置)、比賽時間有關聯。 若在關聯的位置上打滿90分鐘,該球員則得到最大訓練效果。 9. My player received a red card/My player had to leave the pitch after receiving the second yellow card. Will he get trained nevertheless? Yes, but only for the minutes he stood on the pitch, and naturally he must have played on a position relevant for the training type. 9.我的球員因為收到紅牌/兩張黃牌被迫離場,這樣還有訓練效果嗎? 有的,不過僅限於他在場上的時間,自然也必須在訓練位上。 10. A player needed to be substituted due to an injury. Will he get his share of the training? Yes, but only for the minutes he stood on the pitch, and naturally he must have played on a position relevant for the training type. 10.球員受傷被換下,他有訓練效果嗎? 有的,不過僅限於他在場上的時間,自然也必須在訓練位上。 11. A player needed to be substituted due to an injury. Will the substitute get his share of the training? Yes, but only for the minutes he stood on the pitch, and naturally he must have played on a position relevant for the training type. 11.球員遞補上場,他有訓練效果嗎? 有的,不過僅限於他在場上的時間,自然也必須在訓練位上。 12. My player had to leave the pitch due to a second yellow/a red card during the last league match. He played on a position relevant for the training. Does it make sense to make him play again on the same position during the upcoming friendly? Yes, the minutes are added up. A total of 90 minutes can be accumulated. Example: you are training playmaking. The player had played 50 minutes as a central midfielder in the league match when he received a red card. Make him play at 40 minutes on the same position in the friendly right after this match and he'll be granted playmaking training for these 90 minutes, the maximum he could get that week. 12. 我的球員因為收到紅牌/兩張黃牌被迫離場,他的場上位置和訓練相關聯。接下來的 友誼賽讓他打同個位置有意義嗎? 有的,訓練時間會加上去。完整90分鐘的訓練效果是可以累積的。 舉個例子:你訓練組織進攻技能。某球員聯賽中打了50分鐘的中場,然後拿了紅牌。 隨後的友誼賽讓他在同個位置打40分鐘,他則得到完整90分鐘的訓練效果。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: windfish 來自: (03/24 00:27) ※ 編輯: windfish 來自: (03/24 01:41) ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: bolam (, 時間: 03/24/2013 12:48:19
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMKPH (Hattrick)
文章代碼(AID): #1HJeMKPH (Hattrick)