[情報] 1.0.13 更新文(雜項、模組、中立怪 與 …
== 雜項 ==
== General ==
- Darkwood Vale 現在是4v4
Darkwood Vale is now a 4v4 map
- 連殺十五或更多將出現"IMMORTAL!(不朽者!(SC2)XD)"的公告音效訊息
Kill streaks of 15 or more now play the "IMMORTAL!" announcer sound / message
- Taunt(恥笑)的效果在首幾秒更強烈與閃亮
Taunt effect is now more intense and shiny for the first few seconds
- 英雄們步入極度阻塞的地區時將完全的轉最終目標
Heroes will now fully turn toward their final goal even when pathing into deeply blocked areas
- 最多可能的次數現在是~16,000(修正多處問題)(不懂= =
Max possible charges are now ~16,000 (Fixes several issues)
- 預設累格門檻從500ms更改為1000ms
Change default lag threshold to 1000 ms from 500 ms
- 客戶端將不再預先讀取敵方英雄的反應音效
Clients no longer precache the voice responses of enemy heroes
- 靜音玩家也將/ignore該玩家,取消也將/unignore玩家
Muting a player will /ignore that player, and unmuting will /unignore.
- 修正玩家隨機時的白色圖示。隨機將發生在讀取前,而非讀取後
Fixed the white icons when someone randoms. The random now happens before the load, not after
- 更新一些中立怪物技能的視覺特效
Updated visual effects for some neutrals' skills
- 隊友用信差點擊商店時將開啟他們自已的商店視窗
A teammate right clicking on a shop with the courier will open their own shop window now
- 增加濕草來顯示一些被霧擋住但還能過去的地方(不懂= =
Added watery grass to show where fog is blocked yet you can run through
- 增加Kongor被殺時的全地圖公告音效
Added global announcer sounds anytime Kongor is slain
- Minotaur,Catman與Vagabond Leader的新特效
New effects for Minotaur, Catman, and Vagabond Leader
- 更新Frostburn的提示框來顯示最多三次的次數,而不是五次
Update Frostburn tooltip to show max of 3 charges, instead of 5
- 更新部分物品的特效與音效,例:Blood Chalice,Puzzlebox與Striders
Updated effects and sounds for several items like Blood Chalice, Puzzlebox,and Striders
- 更新部分英雄的音效
Updated sounds to several heroes
- 修正一些讀取條極怪異的問題
Fix some loading bar funkiness
- 修正廳主要將玩家從Hellbourne移動到Legion時無法用右鍵點擊玩家頭像來達成。
Fixed game hosts not being able to assign players from Hellbourne to Legion side when right clicking their portrait. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
- 修正簡易數據
Fixed the quick stats
- KD比將顯示到小數第二位(例:KD: 1.58,而非KD: 1.6)
K:D ratio now displays two digits after the decimal (for example K:D will be
"1.58" instead of "1.6")
- 修正客戶端無法處理四個字母的有效戰隊
Fixed client not handling valid clan name tags that are 4 chars long
- 修正部分不會正確儲存公開遊戲的過濾設置(模式,玩家數量,地圖名稱,伺服器種類)
Fix for a few of the public game filters (mode, num players, map name,
server type) to correctly save their settings. Credit to Bangerz for this fix
- 修正Full Game,Advanced Game Option與Advanced Game Mode的過濾設置
Fixes for Full Game, Advanced Game Option, and Advanced Game Mode Filters
- 修正當玩家無法決定戰隊邀請時聊天室伺服器可能會發生的某個當機
Fixed a potential crash on the chat server that occured when a user was not
able to be resolved during a clan invite
- 為正確指出問題所在而整理部分錯誤訊息
Cleaned up some of the error messages to properly represent the error occuring
- 修正創建遊戲裡的Show Advanced Game Options按鈕進而
Fixed "Show Advanced Game Options" box on Create Game menu to properly display
if no advanced game options are selected
== 置入模組 ==
== Mod Integration ==
- 增加UI指令:GetFPS()與GetPing()
Added UI_CMD's GetFPS() and GetPing()
- 原生支援Mod Options模組
Hon now natively supports the "Mod Options" mod framework
- 原生支援Movable Frames模組
HoN now natively supports the "Movable Frames" mod framework
* Movable Frames也支援觀眾模式
Movable Frames now supports spectator mode
* 乾淨地置入有Mod Options的Movable Frames,使得玩家能像他個人化的其他模組來
Cleanly integrated Movable Frames with Mod Options, so that the user can
customize his movable frames the same way he would customize any other mod
- 置入Replay Stats Button模組
The Replay Stats Button mod is now built in (Credit to BASH)
* 在Local Replays的列表那增加一個能顯示場次數據的按鈕
Adds a button to the Local Replays list to view the match stats
- 置入Enhanced Buff Icons模組
The Enhanced Buff Icons mod is now built in
- 置入Improved Spectator UI模組
The Improved Spectator UI mod is now built in
== 中立怪 ==
== Neutrals ==
Skeleton Boss
- 改為遠程單位。攻擊力重改
Now a ranged unit. Damage re-adjusted
- 他的施放技能現帶有小暈
His castable root now ministuns onimpact
Neutral Ogre
- 修正冰凍盾牌使其當某進戰英雄已施與某人時無法再次作用
Fixed the ice shield so it doesn't apply when a melee hero casts at
someone who has it on
== 物品 ==
== Items ==
Blood Chalice
- 魔力回復從150改成100
Mana returned from 150 to 100
- 現在使用將停止所有回復效果(Bottle/Health Potion)
Now stops all regeneration effects(Bottle/Health Potion) when used
- 增加禁魔狀態的蹤跡特效進而有趣的防止一些落跑舉動
Added visual trail to silence state for some anti-juke fun.
Savage Mace
- 小暈將不會傳導到假像
The proc can no longer propagate to illusions
- 觀看某人將不再進入冷卻,將需要攻擊
Will no longer go on cooldown just from looking at someone, you now have to
- 使用補血樹將不再進入冷卻
Runes of the Blight can now be used and not put the item into cooldown
- 修正當被撿起或轉移時不會重設冷卻的錯誤
Fixed a bug causing them not to reset cooldown when they are picked up or
Sword of the High
- 價格從3800改成3400
Cost lowered from 3800 to 3400
Tablet of Command
- 增加nohelp,現將可以阻止隊友對你使用此前移技能
Added to the "nohelp" list, so you can no longer push allies who do not
allow you to
- 現向敵方使用將施於小暈
Now applies a ministun on use to the target if it is an enemy
- 目標將不再禁魔與禁物並且前進時可以轉動
The target is no longer silenced or perplexed, and can turn while being pushed
Void Talisman
- 修正使其無法於魔免下啟用(不能再浪費了)
Fixed so you cannot activate while magic immune (Can't waste it anymore)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
10/02 12:02, , 1F
10/02 12:02, 1F
10/02 12:16, , 2F
10/02 12:16, 2F
※ 編輯: NiGHTsC 來自: (10/02 12:18)
10/02 12:26, , 3F
10/02 12:26, 3F
※ 編輯: NiGHTsC 來自: (10/02 13:02)
※ 編輯: NiGHTsC 來自: (10/02 13:11)
※ 編輯: NiGHTsC 來自: (10/02 13:42)
10/02 13:43, , 4F
10/02 13:43, 4F
10/02 13:44, , 5F
10/02 13:44, 5F
10/02 17:39, , 6F
10/02 17:39, 6F
10/02 17:39, , 7F
10/02 17:39, 7F
10/02 17:39, , 8F
10/02 17:39, 8F
10/02 17:40, , 9F
10/02 17:40, 9F
10/02 17:40, , 10F
10/02 17:40, 10F
10/02 18:39, , 11F
10/02 18:39, 11F
10/02 18:40, , 12F
10/02 18:40, 12F
10/03 17:12, , 13F
10/03 17:12, 13F
10/03 17:12, , 14F
10/03 17:12, 14F
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