[新聞] Meka 2023-03-27

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (あやめづきの子)時間1年前 (2023/03/30 07:20), 編輯推噓0(000)
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The 8-bit Sega emulator MEKA has been updated. MEKA emulates the following systems: * Sega Game 1000 (SG-1000) * Sega Computer 3000 (SC-3000) * Sega Super Control Station (SF-7000) * Sega Mark III (+ FM Unit) * Sega Master System (SMS) * Sega Game Gear (GG) * ColecoVision (COLECO) * Othello Multivision (OMV) Changes: Emulation (SF-7000) - Added support for extended DSK format (as .dsk or .sf7 extensions). For future SF-7000 releases we will use this format as our legacy 163840 bytes .SF7 format didn't convey enough information to reliably emulate all available software. [@miniupnp] Emulation (Mappers) - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0xFFFE for: 'Super Game 45'. [@bsittler] - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0xFFF3,0xFFFC for: 'Super Game 150', 'Super Game 270'. [@bsittler] - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0x0000 (xored 0xFF) for 'Zemina 4-in-1 (Q-Bert, Sports 3, Gulkave, Pooyan)' and more. [@bsittler] - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0xFFF0,0xFFFE,0xFFFF for: 'Mega Mode Super Game 30 [SMS-MD]' and more. [@bsittler] - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0xFFF5,0xFFFE,0xFFFF for 'Pigu-Wang 7 Hap', 'Jaemiissneun Game Mo-eumjip 42 Hap [SMS-MD]', 'Jaemiissneun Game Mo-eumjip 65 Hap [SMS-MD]' and more. [@bsittler] - Added support for Korean xx-in-1 mapper at 0xFFFA,0xFFFE,0xFFFF for 'Game Jiphap 30 Hap [SMS-MD]'. [@bsittler] Miscellaneous - Disabled F10 key to quit emulator (regular ALT+F4 or OS close works). Database - Added and modified entries in the checksum and compatibility lists. Download: https://github.com/ocornut/meka/releases/tag/meka-20230327 https://github.com/ocornut/meka/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1680160804.A.3EF.html
文章代碼(AID): #1a9JWaFl (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #1a9JWaFl (Emulator)