[新聞] Aethersx2 無限期停止更新

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (剎那)時間2年前 (2023/01/05 07:33), 編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 6人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
https://www.aethersx2.com/ AetherSX2 development is indefinitely suspended. Due to neverending impersonating, complaints, demands, and now death threats, I' m done. You can still download/use the app and it will continue to work for the forseeab le future. AetherSX2 was always meant to be a fun hobby for me, not profit driven. It doesn 't make sense to continue working on a hobby which isn't fun anymore. Stay safe out there, and watch out for scammers, there seems to be a lot of them . (e.g. there's multiple people claiming to represent AetherSX2 on various social media - they are not legit) Thanks to everyone who wasn't a d*ck for the last year. Current build downloads are still available at https://www.aethersx2.com/archive / - please follow good security hygiene and don't install APKs from random sourc es. 由於各種冒充 投訴 還有死亡威脅 所以才停止更新 不過上面的網址還可以載其他版本的apk 不會是某萌幹的好事吧? 呵呵 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1672875211.A.676.html

01/05 09:21, 2年前 , 1F
看了國外的論壇 幾乎都在懷疑是呆萌搞的XD
01/05 09:21, 1F

01/05 09:59, 2年前 , 2F
模擬器開發會搞到 death threats 是發生啥事...
01/05 09:59, 2F

01/05 13:13, 2年前 , 3F
01/05 13:13, 3F

01/05 14:17, 2年前 , 4F
PS2模擬器阿 問這個之前你怎不去google ...?
01/05 14:17, 4F

01/06 02:21, 2年前 , 5F
回2樓:如果真的是某萌幹的 那理由只有「不要在中國
01/06 02:21, 5F

01/06 02:21, 2年前 , 6F
01/06 02:21, 6F

01/07 11:40, 2年前 , 7F
這麼優秀的模擬器被搞到這樣 某阿呆自己不長進
01/07 11:40, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1ZjWpBPs (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZjWpBPs (Emulator)