[新聞] PSArcade Classic+ 2.2

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (あやめづきの子)時間2年前 (2022/11/16 19:35), 編輯推噓3(300)
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What is PSARCADECLASSIC+? It's called Project Shadow Arcade Classic+, it's a project that started at the beginning of this year 2022, a version 0.232 [ARCADE64] is being used as a base system, but in reality it started with a version 0.215 [The project was used as a base system PSMame Plus Metal Slug Forever Special Edition], but it was decided to drop this version due to several various problem situations that became more complicated as it progressed adding new roms to the system, because modern codes had to be downgraded and in order to be able to convert them so that were compatible with the version. 0.215, these source codes are still being preserved as a lot of progress has been made and will locate it in docs/Source Code [Version Old]/PSArcade Classic+ 2.0.7z, it can be compiled for the Windows XP operating system. This project is focused on merging the Arcade64 + HBMame system, The main thing has started by updating the Roms Sets from version 0.232 - 0.245, then it continued with a total cleaning of the roms thus eliminating hundreds of useless roms or .chd and unnecessary and thus to be able to generate a collectible edition and in this way a single version will be published. So that we can leave the roms system much lighter for our hard drive. This way you will be able to enjoy all the arcade systems in a single version, including all the hacks that currently exist. Changelog: * Cps1, Cps2 And Fcrash drivers have been updated, added two new drivers: C ps1bl_pic And cps1bl_5205. * Updated Roms Metal Slug X (Survival Edition 2022-10-31) * Updated Roms Mortal Kombat II (SP4 2021-08-05) * Updated Roms Mortal Kombat 3 (SP4 2021-08-05) * Updated Roms Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Ultimate Cup Edition 2022-11-09) Download: https://github.com/Gaston900/PSArcadeClassic/releases/tag/Release2.2 https://github.com/Gaston900/PSArcadeClassic -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Emulator/M.1668598509.A.7C9.html

11/16 23:23, 2年前 , 1F
11/16 23:23, 1F

11/17 04:43, 2年前 , 2F
這個也是大台電玩的模擬器嗎? 還是是跨平台的
11/17 04:43, 2F

11/17 09:24, 2年前 , 3F
目前只支援windows OS,但能模擬各大街機,有支援戰斧外傳
11/17 09:24, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1ZTChjV9 (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZTChjV9 (Emulator)