emuControlCenter v0.9.6

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http://www.camya.com/ecc/ Version 0.9.6 (2007.12.14) - Added platforms - Casio PV-1000 - Casio PV-2000 - Cybiko Classic - DOSbox - DOS emulator - Dragon Systems - Dragon 32/64 - Interton VC-4000 - NEC PC-FX - Small updates - Added MSX1, & MSX2 EMU INI′s. - replaced zlib1.dll with an uncompressed version. - as from ECC 0.9.5.R2 ECC is not compressed with UPX anymore. so hopefully after this update the false virus positives should be gone! - Theme fix - Valiance - This update fixes the ECC crash on ′Valiance′ theme. - Fix by Cyrille, our Theme Manager, many thanks Cyrille!. - Platform updates - Removed all ′(c)′ & ′tm′ crap in the logo′s. - Removed some text underneath some logo′s. - Made some images much nicer by splitting-up the logo. - Replaced & polished some images to look much nicer. - Updated the PC Engine image (moved logo′s) - Removed the Sega Dreamcast MDF extension, and added CDI, MDS, NRG, GDI, BIN, ELF WIP 24 (2007.12.12) - size of navigation is saved to ecc_history.ini, if "Save settings" is activated! - fixed white menu problems under windows vista (new gtk version) - remove romid menu entry - removed old ecc-datfile suffix ".ecc" - now only ".eccDat" is supported (rename old .ecc files to .eccDat) - removed backup creation for user configs (.bak files) WIP 23 (2007.12.10) - fixed array output for "# All found" popups - fixed problem with eccUserFolder eccident-platform.html files (e.g. ZINC) - fixed some little glitches in relative path convertion for emulators and roms. - "Reparse all ROM folders" added the platforms eccUser Folder as default path for reparsing -- Start ecc -> platform menu "Open eccUser folder" -> copy roms to roms folder -> platform menu, choose "Reparse" ... done! - "Optimize roms" now also optimize folders not available for "Reparse all Roms" feature - added new table fdata_drivemap for future CD/USB drive mapping. - renamed some tables in database to fit the naming convention. WIP 22 (2007.12.07) - fixed "ECC 0.9.6 WIP21 list comparing bug" WIP 21 (2007.12.06) - added new entry to platform-navigation "Open eccUser folder (pce)" - added new html file e.g. "c64_-_Commodore_64.html" to eccUser folders. (use rebuild eccUser folder) - moved language config to own tab - added new option "Send bugreport at startup" in Config/Startup - click on emuControlCenter logo now opens ecc website (before opens about-popup). WIP 20 (2007.12.05) - fixed size of large "extension *.??? problem" popup. - fixed "Emulator conf. disabled in menu when standing on ′all found′" - fixed array output in "remove roms" dialog (for "All found") - fixed eccdb datfile import problem (wrong linebreak sequence) WIP 19 (2007.11.26) - fixed crc32 "Double trouble" on large files by ecc "fsum" wrapper for these! - emulator config -- added platfom name in emuConfig headline for better overview -- moved known emulators to new tab "Links & Infos" WIP 18 (2007.11.19) - Config - option to Save View-Mode settings (only experts) -- save current list selection (have, donthave, meta aso) -- save the state of the panels navigation (key F11) and info (key F12) - changed datfile suffix to .eccDat - default selection of ecc-system/datfile (arcade), if you choose CtrlMAME-Import - catched png decompression exception (better/more error handling in ECC) - fixed ECC crashes when ′illegal′ characters are in the searchbox - eccDAT file with line-breakline-feed (TODO: ecc romdb) - fixed ECC Script BUG (URGENT) - Double trouble with PSX isos -- found bug but and fixed it.... but.... -- DANGER: ecc will now possible freeze on larger files!! Hopefully we find a way for this! ONLY DEV ------------------ - need fast calcHash function for larger files (32MB - 1GB) in php (php extension written in C (dll)) -- returns an crc32 checksum (type) checksum of the given file.... start reading the file with an start offset of 512 bytes and stops 128 bytes before the end of file. -- start offset (seekstart) is needed for consoles like super nintendo with copystation headers. End offset (seekend) is used e.g for mp3 id3 tags. -- maybe also direct access to zip-files file="c:/path/rom.zip/pathinzip/rom.cdi" (including better errorhandeling than php for corrupt zips .... ) try{ // calcHash should be created as an php extension (dll, so) $crc32 = calcHash($type=′CRC32′, $path=′c:/path/rom.cdi′, $seekStart=512, $seekEnd=-128, $callback=array($this, ′updateProgress′), $callbackEach=1024); } catch(CalcHashException $e){} /** * callback function for progress update in php-gtk2 * called each X bytes specified by "callbackEach" from within calcHash */ public function updateProgress($type, $path, $bytesProcessed, $bytesTotal){ print $bytesProcessed.′ of ′.bytesTotal.′ processed! (File: ′.$path.′)′ ." "; } ------------------ WIP 17 (2007.09.10) - added new colors to config for imageCenter slots - fixed imageCenter slot selection bug - fixed imageCenter hilighting of empty slots (next, prev buttons) - optimized audit speed for multiplatform roms :-) WIP 16 (2007.08.15) - added storage of listview mode (have, donthave aso) in history.ini (+shortcuts) - added translation for mame driver-dropdown (ecc-system/conf/mame/driver.ini) - fixed rom-audit bug for arcade platforms... please re-audit! - fixed stupid bug in imageCenter - now add images works again. - fixed an escape problem (&) in romInfo/DATA-Tab - fixed little glitch in metaEdit - optimized gui - optimized the default colors - updated shortcuts - @phoenix: DEMO FOR THE NEW ECC-USER folders... after that, recreate the folder (top menu) [EXTENSIONS] a78 = 1 [PARSER] FileParserGeneric#a7800 = a78 [ECCUSER] folder = "Atari 7800" WIP 15 (2007.08.13) - added preview of "roms you dont have" images - added size and position save for imageCenter - added mame driver dropdown - added mame driver to rom details (MAME (driver.c)) - added parser state for multifile roms (current file parsed) - added soundpreview (ecc.exe /sndprev "full path to audio file") - added "naviagation images in list view!" again - added more i18n translations - added new shortcuts - fixed imageCenter "type is not supported" bug - fixed list switch / results perpage bug - fixed emulator command preview - optimized top navigation - optimized audit state icons - optimized position of save/close buttons in configuration (from ?x600 resolution) - optimized mediaEdit labels (now elipsed ...) WIP 14 (2007.08.05) - added "relative paths" for assigned emulator, if in ecc-user folder - added "relative paths" for added rom folders - added new "shortcut" for folderchooser pointing to the selected platform ecc-user folder - added "ecc-user/#_GLOBAL/emus/" folder for emulators used by more than one platform - fixed an bug with mame datfile import - fixed little glitch in emuConfig WIP 13 (2007.08.04) - added Rom Audit (multirom) -- icons for listview/details to show the state of the roms -- Popup for current multirom status like valid states, missing files aso. --- Repair of wrong filenames implemented (for winkawaks... needs the right filename!) - added "reparse all found" option. Select platform or "all found" and hit ALT+F5 - added "start emulator" button in emulator configuration to make settings in the emu. - added error popup to file operations, if rename could not done! (file is allready in place) - added new Shortcuts: -- ALT+R Rescan rom folder for new roms -- ALT+I Show rom audit informations (multiroms) -- ALT+F5 Reparse selected Platform / All found (or STRG+F5) - added new parameter to ecc_ARCADEPLATORM_system.ini for automatic mame sourcefile matching! -- ecc will automaticly transfer these games to the right platforms later (planed! ) -- @phoenix: please take a look at the datfile/mame.dat for the right sourcefiles -- [OPTIONS] mame_sourcefile = cps2.c - added more translation strings... - fixed an big bug in the auditing multifile roms. !!! -- if you have added roms for more than one multirom platform, ecc havent changed the datfile -- How to correct you checksums? (USE WIP 12!!!!!) --- To correct your checksums, please use the "Import CtrlMAME datfile" function in WIP 12. --- this works correct and will change your checksums to the right ones. - fixed "Notepad++ cannot create scripts with relative paths" - fixed "Glitch in compare layout" - fixed "File/games ZIP notice" - fixed missing "view" translation - fixed both bugs in "ECC config more translated" - fixed "Choice of Fonts and Colors" in main romlist - removed context menu "add new roms" (romlist) if no platform is selected - removed UTF-8 support SWITCHED BACK TEMPORARILY TO CP1250 (!) WIP 12 (2007.07.23) - Reparse rom directory -- Now the folder is optimized before new parsed. So removed roms are deleted from db -- Menu entry isnt disabled anymore. - changed: Image center "add image" confirm-popup dont hide the imagecenter complete. WIP 11 (2007.07.19) - Romlist -- Added grey out for missing roms -- Now the name is bold in detail-view - CtrlMame-Dat -- Moved to import submenu -- Added i18n entries -- removed debug output WIP 10 (2007.07.15) - CtrlMame-Dat -- Implemented auto audit for new parsed roms (Neo-Geo / CPS2) --- CM-Dat parser automaticlly assign the correct mergedEccCrc32 to the romset --- if you want to add the metadata from the datfile, choose "import CtrlMame Dat" --- added new folder containing multirom platform CtrlMame (CM) dat files -- Optimized CM ControlMame-Dat import -- Added state of merged clone sets (only diff to original) (F: Full set / M = Merge set) -- crc32 will now also changed for existing meta- and userdata - Gamelist view -- Added indicator for Have/Donthave -- made name resizable - Other changes -- fixed wrong folder bug for "parse new roms" in history.ini -- Disabled "adding roms all found in context menu" -- Fixed "Create all ecc user-folders - Missing folder in popup" -- Fixed "Bug in platform list sorting" WIP 9 (2007.07.14) - Implemented CM ControlMame-Dat import -- first simple Audit for multirom-files like cps2, neo-geo! --- This will automaticly change the crc32 to the right combined eccCrc32 from dat --- The images are automaticly transfered to the new folder --- Infos are shown in the info-field ---- ok [unique] == only one matching rom found ---- ok [multi] == many matching roms found, best used! ---- error [unique] == only one matching rom found, but single files are missing ---- error [multi] == many matching roms found, best used! but single files are missing ---- Output of an logfile (array) dump at the end of auditing! WIP 8 (2007.07.05) - ListContext -- Added "Add new platform roms" -- Added "Remove all platform roms" -- Added "Remove ROM metadata" - File-/Folder-Chooser popup -- Implement multi folder selection for "Add new roms" -- Implemented folder-shortcuts for all choosers (bottom left folder selection) --- ecc-user folder --- all assigned emulator-folders for selected platform - imageCenter -- fixed some glitches, if you cancel the file-selector -- fixed that ecc forgot the path for moved images in file-selector -- Tried to set a sticky image preview (not working very good now ) - Implemented topmenu entry for "Import online datfiles" - Added updated frensch translation done by cyrille - Fixed "Find duplicate ROMS - Strange popups" - Fixed "Optimize database ROM combined" WIP 7 (2007.07.01) - Restructuring Detaillist-Output - Reordening downsection "info box" - Fixed "Wrong messagebox" bug WIP 6 (2007.06.30) - fixed a little problem with "Start in Emufolder" - added i18n for eSearch reset button - Implemented 2 Zip-Handeling Modes -- 1. Include Mode -- Only extensions set after |INCLUDES_ONLY| are gathered for checksum [EXTENSIONS] zip = 1 [PARSER] FileParserZip#eccident = zip |INCLUDES_ONLY| rom, bin -- 2. Exclude Mode -- All extensions in the zip are parsed. The excluded extensions are removed! [EXTENSIONS] zip = 1 [PARSER] FileParserZip#eccident = zip [OPTIONS] excludeExtensions = txt, inf, diz, url, tag, www, nfo - YOU CANNOT MIX ZIP-PARSER AND OTHER PARSER NOW! DONT TRY IT! - If no file left after include/exclude, the file isnt parsed in! WIP 5 (2007.06.30) - emulator configuration -- Implemented "Start in Emufolder" for e.g WinKawaks -- Optimized the option-selection (Hide unvalid settings) -- Add little hint, if there is no emulator assigned :-) WIP 4 (2007.06.29) - i18n translation support -- complete top-menu -- complete infoPane area - Fixed confirm destroy problem WIP 3 (2007.06.2 - emuControlCenter is now UTF-8 ready -- set "php-gtk.codepage = UTF-8" in php.ini -- Added japanese languages support provided by yoshi -- Added charset.ini to i18n folder containing the charset of the tranlation --- used to convert given charset to UTF-8 -- "en", "fr" and "de" tranlations are now UTF-8!!!! --- Use Notepad++ (ecc-core/thirdparty ) for translations (UTF-8 without BOM!!!!) - Fixed "No extension" path bug - Fixed problem, if ecc-user folder is missing! - Fixed "Some wierd errors" bug WIP 2 (2007.06.24) - Implemented "first try" version of (multirom) zip parsing -- How it works.. --- ecc parses each file in the zip file and creates checksums for each file! --- All singlefile crc32 are ordered acending, concated by "," and used for an global crc32 checksum. --- All singlefile crc32 checksums + real size are viewable in the header-tab! --- build function to "excludeExtensions = txt, inf, diz, url, tag, www, nfo" - Implemented "hide dialog checkbox" for parsing large-file dialog! - fileOperations && Configuration changed background-color - Meged updated french translation by cyrille WIP 1 (2007.06.22) - refactured gameLists -- Now switch between list and detail view without restart (USE F1/F2 or top menu!) -- Very fast list-mode.... (because i�ve removed fields!) Only for DEVEL! - Added Datfile-Download from internet - mediaEdit -- added tearoffs/detach for category-dropdown! (perfect, if you add many meta-informations) -- added Fileinfo header -- changed background color - imageCenter -- changed background color - Fixed "extension problem windows" size problem - Fixed "Ball & Paddle" bug - Fixed Glade-Warning on startup - Fixed crash on files bigger than 64MB ( arghhhhhhh ) - wrong ini settings -- fixed php.ini - wrong memory_limit = 64M, changed to wrong memory_limit = -1 -- We have to take care of this ini-settings! -- @phoenix: please change error_log path to error_log= ..ecc-core-errors.log - 3rd party tool updates - Notepad++ v4.6 - Autoit v3.2.10.0 - Core components - ECC GTK Core update from to v2.12.1.0 (GIMP build) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #17Orfgu8 (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #17Orfgu8 (Emulator)