NESCafe 1.000

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (請愛護元祖洛克人)時間17年前 (2007/11/26 22:58), 編輯推噓0(000)
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....NESCafe Nintendo Emulator for Java. The NESCafe emulator allows you to play your old 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games online on your computer by emulating the hardware of the NES. NESCafe was the first Java-based emulator for the Nintendo with sound support and the first to allow users to save their progress online as they play their games. Headlines: - Authorisation check at start-up removed (originally required to report game usage and issues with beta) - Sound, game graphics and UI graphics have all been improved Fixes: - Fixed issues with sound, and discontinued the mute versions of the emulator - Fixed issues where loaded state files weren't starting the sound correctly - Fixed bug where text would not be presented in the correct codepage on some machines - Fixed bug where when a NES ROM did not load correctly an error message was not being displayed - Fixed bug where when running using the Applet Viewer some of the tags weren't being interpreted correctly - Fixed bug where settings files and ROMs were being cached, and the latest version may not be being read - Fixed bug where lowercase keys in the settings file for the controls where not being interpreted correctly - Fixed bug where the / key could not be assigned to a key control in the settings file or the User Interface - Fixed bug where LOADSTATE tag was not being interpreted correctly unless the URL was specified in full - Fixed bug where screen would flicker when ROM files were loading - Fixed issues with error messages, they are now more meaningful and better explain the underlying issues Functionality Removed: - Removed Override Engine (this was not heavily used) - Removed Activity Monitor (because Authorisation Check is removed, this would not work) - Removed Debugger from Applet version (replaced by Code Profiler in Standard version) - Removed Image Smoothing and replaced with improved image scaling routines - Removed Sprite Tile view from Applet (this was not heavily used) Functionality Added/Changed: - Added F9 option to standard version to dump executable code (profiles the code as it runs) - Changed settings filename to nescafe-settings.txt (to prevent issues with MIME types on web-servers) - Changed how the CPU interprets undocumented operation codes, they now cause the CPU to halt - NESCafe Applet screen now dynamically resizes if the Applet canvas changes size - Cleaned up the Time Trial mode, pressing T causes the current screen and run-time data to be captured. _______________________________________ 下載:Hosted Version Standard Version for running on your PC Applet Version for Websites 官方: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #17IjyHnj (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #17IjyHnj (Emulator)