Re: 最近用meka玩了orguss

看板Emulator (模擬器)作者 (擦地騎士)時間22年前 (2003/01/21 14:41), 編輯推噓7(700)
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※ 引述《lokuji (落ちろ!蚊とんぼ!)》之銘言: : 那麼請問一下sc3000就是以前在台灣被叫做阿羅士的主機嗎? 我轉貼一篇以前我在別站翻的東西給你參考看看 ==================================================================== 在模擬器meka中,有一篇關於阿羅士歷史的文件(meka.txt).我翻成中文, 再附上別的網站的珍貴圖片連結(來自 ) 如果有地方翻的不好以及有錯歡迎指正 The SG-1000, for "Sega Game 1000", was released in Japan in July 1983. Heavily based on the MSX hardware, it is the first known Sega home system (until someone proves me wrong, which I would love to have happen). SG-1000(國內稱阿羅士一代)在1983年七月於日本發售,這是已知SEGA推出的第一個 家用系統.在硬體方面是以MSX(一種日本獨有的電腦系統,由Sharp開發)為基礎 由於跟紅白機差不多同時發售,可想而知很慘...-_- SG-1000 The SC-3000, for "Sega Computer 3000", is a variation of the SG-1000 (still compatible with it) with a keyboard, and some optionial peripherals such as a printer (SP-400), a tape recorder (SR-1000), or that big black box called the Super Control Station (SF-7000), providing a 3" floppy disk drive, a Centronics printer port, and more available memory. The SC-3000 was released in November 1983 in Japan, and then was sold in certain countries around the world (Oceania and Europe to my knowledge), usually shipped with a BASIC programming cartridge. SC-3000(國內叫阿羅士二代),又叫做Sega Computer 3000,可以說是一種SG-1000的 變化版(軟體可相容),附有鍵盤,而且可以外接其他周邊如印表機,錄磁帶機(這種磁帶 跟錄音帶原理相同)..或是可以接一種叫做"Super Control Station"(SF-7000)的 黑色主機,這種主機上面附有3吋的磁碟機以及Centronics printer port(25 pins接 電腦,36 pins接印表機的怪東西,不知道怎麼翻),還有更多的記憶體. 這部機器於1983年11月(距前一個才幾個月)於日本發售,而且很快的就外銷到全世界 (作者僅知的是大洋洲及歐洲)..通常連BASIC程式卡帶一起發售 SC-3000 Later, Sega released some updates to these systems, including, but not limited to the SC-3000h (a re-release of the SC-3000 with a hard keyboard), and the SG-1000-II (also called Mark II). The SK-1100, for "Sega Keyboard" was an upgrade to the SG-1000 and SG-1000-II to be able to use keyboard softwares such as the BASIC or the Music Editor. 過了不久(同樣1983)SEGA推出了以上這些機種的進化版例如SC-3000h(鍵盤直接做在主 機上)以及SG-1000-II(又叫做Mark II).還有一種叫做SK-1100的機種可說是SG-1000以及 SG-1000-II的進化版,比原先的在功能上多出可以使用鍵盤在各種軟體上(例如basic 程式或音樂編輯) SC-3000h SG-1000-II The Mark III, released in 1985 is the first Master System compatible system, and still have the necessary ports to plug the printer, or the keyboard. A FM extension was made available later, providing much better sound hardware which is supported by most games released in Japan between 1986 and 1988, Out Run being the game that first brought FM. The Mark III is backward compatible with SG-1000/SC-3000 games. 在1985年發售的Mark III(阿羅士三代)是SEGA Master System相容系列裡的第一台主機, 而且依然有需要接到印表機或是鍵盤的連接埠.這主機稍後不久後發行了FM強化版本,來 提供更好的聲音支援(像是1986到1988年在日本發售的遊戲,幾乎都有用到這強化功能). 其中"Out Run"是第一個支援這強化功能的遊戲 同時,Mark III也往下相容SG-1000/SC-3000的遊戲 Mark III In 1986 came the Sega Master System, a bit after Nintendo released the crappy gray box. It was sold just about everywhere, but the Japanese version had the FM extension embeded and profited from it because of better musics. Other differences with the Mark 3 are the 3D Glasses mini jack port and the embedded rapid fire unit, none of them being available on non-Japanese units. The Master System is also backward compatible with the older systems, with a darker palette than originally, when playing SG-1000/SC-3000. 1986年,在任天堂推出了crappy gray box(這裡指的應該是海外版紅白機,灰色,但不確定) 後不久SEGA也推出了 SEGA Master System(阿羅士四代).雖然這主機有發售到世界各地, 但是只有日版的主機上有接SD眼鏡的接頭以及連發裝置.Master System在遊戲上也往前 相容,只是在玩SG-1000/SC-3000的遊戲時色調會比原先的暗一點 Sega Master System Later came the Game Gear, which was nothing but a portable Master System with a smaller screen, a communication port (for dual gaming) and more colors to choose from. The old SG-1000/SC-3000 video modes are still supported but with incorrect colors. 再過不久後,Sega推出了Game Gear(就是GG啦)..這東西只不過是附有小螢幕的攜帶型 Master System主機再加上一個通信連接埠(當然是對戰用)以及更多的色盤上的顏色 (但是同時顯示最大色數依然沒變).依然往回相容SG-1000/SC-3000,但是玩這些舊遊戲 時顏色顯示並不正確 SEGA Game Gear There was a machine called the Othello Multi Vision, released in Japan, which is in fact a SG-1000 with a new shape (and it is pretty small). Eight games were released for it, but it is totally compatible with SG-1000 softwares at my knowledge. 另外,在日本曾出現過一台叫做Othello Multi Vision的主機.事實上,這一台主機 可說只是SG-1000的改外型(變漂亮了一點點).雖然有內建8個專用遊戲,但整體來說幾乎 和SG-1000軟體相容 註:據查到的資料說似乎也可用SC-3000的卡帶 Othello Multi Vision 附註: 1.Sega Megadrive國內也有人俗稱阿羅士五代,SEGA五代,便是由此而來. 不過MD就沒往回相容了 2.由於這些系統皆往回相容,所以模擬器通常也是共用的(就是用一個模擬器就可以玩之 前系統上的遊戲,例如meka,dega) -- Es Muss Sein............就該如此 來自 Materialist -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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等等 版主說的是真的還假的|||
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該死 敗定啦~~~~XD
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文章代碼(AID): #-BEk5ZD (Emulator)
文章代碼(AID): #-BEk5ZD (Emulator)