[對話] DQ5美版對話錄-010 雪地尋笛記(下)
看板DragonQuest (勇者鬥惡龍 - Dragon Quest)作者superpigpig (豬豬)時間16年前 (2008/09/24 15:00)推噓2(2推 0噓 1→)留言3則, 3人參與討論串1/1
It says: ”Restricted Area! Do not Enter”, silly.
That fool, Zalie…
What was he thinking that I was exiled by Lady Powan?
Bah! What an idiot!
And then he tries avenging me by stealing the flute!
Human… please accept the secrets of the key as my humble apology.
The secret of the key has been sealed deep within this cave.
Please, lead Zalie back onto the righteous path for me?
Oh oh! It’s one of those faeries!
I didn’t steal the Flute, I swear!
Zaile did it! It was all hiam!
Heh heh. You here to find out how to make the Thieves’ Key?
But too bad, I’m gonna find out first, suckers!
You do not possess any keys!
MATHPIG opened the treasure chest!
MATHPIG, you found the secrets of the key!
MATHPIG learned the secrets of the Key.
(可以開門囉时 拿走了兩個寶箱後,就出發到北方的山洞去了)
What? Who are you?!
Oh I get it! Powan must have sent you to come get her precious Flute back!
But Powan is a villain that banished my grandpa from the village!
If you want this Flute back, you better be prepared to fight for it!
You’re pretty strong, aren’t you?
What? The one who exiled my grandpa from the village wasn’t Lady Powan…?
But the Snow Queen said…
Ha ha ha ha…
I was a fool to think that I could use a child as a tool to further my ambitions…
I should take matters into my own hands…
Beginning now!
(The Snow Queen began to mutate!)
What? The Snow Queen is actually an evil monster?!
It seems like I was completely tricked…
Oh crap!! My grandpa’s going to kill me!
I gotta get home, quick!
Thanks to you, Zalie has finally seen the error of his ways.
Thank you very much.
How vile a creature she must have been to trick me like that…
By the way… you guys were really really tough!
Hooray! Zalie is back! Yeah yeah!m,m
You returned the Flute for us?
Wow! You’re the greatest, MATHPIG!
So, the Snow Queen was really the puppet master behind all of this…
The Snow Queen…?
Yippee! Spring can finally come!
So, someone thought to freeze the world over, did they?
I just hope that this isn’t the calm before the storm…
No way! You got the Flute back?!
Wow, I’d never expect you could just by looking at you!
You are the savior of our nation!
Thank you so very much!
You brought back the flute for us, did you?
I guess sometimes even humans can come in handy!
Truly now. You were able to retrieve the Flute of Spring?
Lady Powan will be so very pleased!
Thank you so very much.
Now I can bring spring to this world.
Oh! This is truly the Flute of Spring!
MATHPIG… You have done very well…
With this, I can bring Spring back to the world…
I don’t even know how to thank you…
Ah… let me make you a promise…
When you grow older, should you ever have any troubles,
Do not hesitate to come to these lands.
I promise to be of help to you on that day.
Do not forget this promise, alright?
Hmm… it seems that we must say our good-byes now…
MATHPIG… I’ll never forget you…
Take care, okay?
(Powan placed the Flute of Spring to her lips…)
Hmm? Young master!
Where have you been?
Your father was summoned by the throne of Reinhart,
and just left but a few moments ago!
He wanted to take you along with him, but you were nowhere to be found!
The call was urgent. He had no choice but to leave without you,
young master…
But if you leave now, you may be able to catch up with him!
Go on now, hurry!
矇矓中 原本白晰的樹木幻成了粉色
還來不及看清楚 又回到了起初的地下室
如果是場夢 至少 夢中有人得到了幫忙
而在現實中 等著Papas及MATHPIG的又是什麼呢?
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