Re: [問題] 請問暗黑二的影片劇情

看板DIABLO (暗黑破壞神 - D3,D2,D1)作者 (龍帥)時間20年前 (2004/02/23 21:05), 編輯推噓101(10102)
留言103則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
※ 引述《allents (小g~重力常數9.8)》之銘言: : 看了很多遍還是看不大懂 : 我的英聽實在不太好 : 只大概知道是一個傢伙 : 莫名其妙跟著Diablo到處跑 : 然後泰瑞爾去阻止他們 : 有沒人知道詳細一點的劇情阿 : 還有一個問題 : 我知道巴爾 Diablo Mephisto是三兄弟 : 那都瑞爾跟他們有什麼關係阿 : 而且泰瑞爾跟都瑞爾聽起來有點像 : 都瑞爾的房間裡面是泰瑞爾的房間 : 是不是有關係阿(疑惑中...) 我這邊貼一下影片對白翻譯好了 做個參考 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C i n e m a t i c A c t I Tyreal = T 待應 = W Marious = M 精神病院中 T:Marious, 最後我還是找到你了 M:Tyreal, 是的,是的......啊, ...我還認得你..... M:我知道你應該偽裝來行動.....他們一直在監視著...... T:我找了你很久了......我還以為你不願被找到呢. M:原諒我吧 Tyreal, 這不是我的錯... T:不是你的錯? 那告訴我為什麼不是你的錯? M:是那個流浪者.....那個...黑暗的...流浪者... 進入回憶 M:在很久前....當我在避難所的日子......我在逃避那被放逐的記憶......那高山, 那東 方 的大門....... W:要點什麼嗎? M:啊........... W:唉.... M:我時常終日都昏昏沉沉, 當我發夢時.......我的記憶便回來了........那神殿裏的記 憶... 惡魔......很多的惡魔......那個流浪者......是記憶?....是夢? 我分不清楚了........ . 而我夢中的惡魔竟變成事實了........那個流浪者....他怎會找到這裏? 我看到他一步步的走進來.......連長劍也像沒有氣力拿動...... 他好像.....好像有惡魔附身似的........他正在失控了....   M:我真是以為我神智不清了..... 我所看見的... 是可怕, 是黑暗,破壞, 那邪惡的惡魔..... 我不知要如何描述...... 是在我夢中的惡魔? ..............或是在那流浪者的身體中.............   M:我覺得我要跟隨著他........為什麼要跟隨著他?........我不知道....... 為什麼我夢中的境像會變成真實?.... 我只知道我要跟隨著他........ 在那刻開始, 我們一直向著東走......... 一直......走向東邊 END ======================================================================= A c t II Dark Wonderer = D Marious = M M: 我們一路向東邊走,穿過那高嵩的大山,越過那磷石破碎的地帶,終於到達了一望 無祭的沙漠...... 時間一天一天的過去......... 我那伙伴告訴我,他曾經是一個偉大的戰士..... 但現在那神秘的黑暗力量正緊緊的纏著他............ 我們越過了那從從沙丘............用了多久? 嘿嘿............我不知道........... 但是有一個黑影總是跟蹤著我..............總是剛好在視線的盡處............ 旅程最後都完結了.........我們走過最後一個沙丘......... 終於看到了我們的目的地............那閃爍著火光的城市........Lut Gholein.... 在那偉大的大海旁邊............ 我們那夜就在那沙丘扎營. 我睡著了........ 夢開始 我夢到那邪惡的惡魔回來了............ 我見到那偉大的魔法師 Tal Rasha............... 我也記得你也出現了 Tyreal........... 那惡魔.......那破壞之王(Lord Of Destruction).........就在那裏........... 他們想用那神秘的寶石來封印他.............. 那偉大的魔法師 Tal Rasha 要用自己的身體來封印那惡魔............. 他們就在那石柱中..............那被封印的地方............ 夢醒 D: 你現在知道我在找尋什麼吧 Marious.................... D: 那就是我的兄弟...............睡吧, 明天我們就要離這地方了............ M: 終於到了明天...........我們開始住 Lut Gholein 前進........ 而我也不知道在那裏會有什麼可怕的事等待著我.............. END ======================================================================= A c t III Marious = M M: 我的伙伴走進一座黑暗的古墓.............他好像忽然有力量了........... 我站在古墓的入口.......站在光明和黑暗之間............. 我剩餘的自我在叫我不要進去...............但那把聲音永遠都總是太低............ 當我們越走越深時,我發覺我的伙伴好像開始變了............. 他的力量好像不斷在增加............ 而且他好像早就熟悉古墓裏的通道似的............... 最後....我們來到一個很大的殿堂.........   Dark Wonderer 開始變化   終於我知道原因了.............他不是在增加力量........ 而是在失去他最後的那一點人性............   看見 Baal   他突然走得很快..........然後你出現了.............. T = Tyreal T: 往手! 那惡魔應該永遠地被封印.沒有人可以解放他.就連你,也不可以!   打鬥   B = Baal B: 救我........救我...........解放我............. B: 求求你.......快點........   Baal 被解放   T: 愚蠢的! 你太無知了.你知不知你己經使黑暗的力量散佈到世上. 你是無法想像你剛對這世界做了些什麼! 現在,快點去東方的 Kurast 城中.在那裏會有一道地獄之門等待著你 你一定要提起勇氣進入那地獄之門. 拿著這靈魂之石去到地獄之熔爐並毀滅它. 快! 現在, 拿這靈魂之石快逃!   打鬥   M: 我還有什麼選擇?...... 我逃走了........ End ======================================================================= A c t IV Marious = M M: Tyreal 我照著你的指示. 找到那 Zakaru 神殿了............. 在神殿的最底層.......我找到那黑暗的聚合............... 我的伙伴, 黑暗的流浪者........... Tal Rasha............ 和那擁有強大力量的惡魔.........那唯一的憎恨之王(Lord of Hatred) Mephisto... 那把聲音.......就像從千萬里外傳來一樣............ Mephisto : 經過漫長的歲月, 我們三兄弟終於再次集合在一起了............... 那邪惡之門己經在準備好我們的勝利了...... 讓那地獄之門打開吧! 那一度被消滅的惡魔再度起來統治世界吧.............. 那虛假的人類應該永遠活在無辜之中.................. 邪惡的力量應該主宰人間............讓那天空降下地獄之火........... 讓那大海染成鮮紅...........正義應該倒在邪惡之下....... 讓所有的生命在地獄來臨前戰慄懍震吧...........   M: 之後.......我看到了難以置信的景像.............   Dark Wonderer 變化成 Diablo   Mephisto: 現在. 我的兄弟.....真實的時間來臨了...........起來吧 Diablo! 恐懼之王(Lord of Terror) ........................ 願你能帶著勝利回來. 將你的恐懼帶進地獄吧.................. End ======================================================================= Epilogue Marious = M M: 我聽說最後他(Diablo)被消滅了........ Diablo 死亡 M: 那些靈魂之石........也在那地獄溶爐前被毀滅了........... 只有一顆例外............ 鳴......啊.......對不起 Tyrael........ 我做不到你所吩咐的............我不能進入那道門........啊...... (Tyrael 起身走近Marius) 原諒我 Tyrael.........原諒我.........嗚.... Tyael = T T: Marious, 給我顆靈魂之石. 那我就不再追究了.... (Marius 從領口拿起了藏在裡頭的soulstone) 將它給我吧 Marious. M: 拿去吧, 拿去......拿去. 我很高興所有的東西都和我無關了......... 看! 看那石頭對我做了什麼.........啊........ T: 你沒有做錯什麼, 你只是照著你自己的意思去做吧了..... 然而...........我不是那大天使 Tyrael........ (T拿起soulstone,發亮的soulstone照出T的臉孔,浮現了Baal的臉孔) M: 啊........不.........不......不要.....不不...........啊......... Baal: 嘿嘿.......你做得很好 Marious......... 現在應該換我報答你了!! M: 啊........不.........啊........嗚.... (Baal伸出了手,殺死了Marius,離開了這裡,熊熊的烈火燃燒著一切,彷彿另一場浩劫即 將出現) ~ Diablo2 End ~ ======================================================================= 原文字幕 Act I T: So Marius...At last I find you, (黑袍人浮現大天使的身影....) Tyrael Yes, Yes, now I I recognize you I should have known you'd travel in disguise. There're...they're always watching! T: I've been searching for you for a long time, Marius T: I was rather beginning to think you didn't want to be found. Oh forgive me, Tyrael ,please. It...It wasn't my fault. T: Not your fault? Tell me ,Marius, T: how was it, not your fault?! The Wanderer...Yes, It was... was the Wanderer... (Marius開始回想)(鏡頭拉到一家酒店的火爐)(之後的Marius都是旁白,且前面無冒 號的句子都是) My days at the Rouge Citadel seemed so long ago, I sought refuge from my memories in the company of other outcasts, high in the mountains, past the Eastern Gate. (我懶懶的窩在一角,waiter(W)過來了) W: Do you want something? (我睡得死死的) W: Ahhh, man.... Oh, I fought sleep for days at a time. For when I dreamt, (鏡頭拉到我的夢裡,全是火的惡夢,我抱著頭想掙脫這一切) the memories would return...Memories of the Monastery.. (夢中的骷髏開始向我靠近) and the evil which had claimed it, Dreams...Memories (黑袍人身後跟著骷髏兵團) I couldn't tell the difference anymore (從夢境拉回到酒吧中的我,一個開門聲吸引了我的注意) Had the evil from my dreams followed at my heels? How had he found me here? How could this broken shell of a man, barely able to carry the weight of his own sword, be the burning terror (黑袍人拖著長劍緩緩走來) which drove me to hide here? (吸引了大家注意了一下酒客們又開使他們自己的對話) (他於是又用力的將劍刺在地板上,像是不自主的晃動的長劍) He seemed to have demons of his own that he struggled to contain... (在他身上的惡魔稍稍浮現了)(隨著酒客的笑聲,他漸漸的失去了原有的一絲人性) And he was losing... (他痛苦的跪在地板掙扎)(怪物們開始入侵了這家酒吧) As I watched ,I ...I become convinced that I was truly mad, The terror ,the destruction, the ...the evil I witnessed-how else could I explain them? (綠色的人影脫離了他的肉體) Were these the dreams from my dream or were they born within the Wanderer (三個骷髏兵從火爐現身,酒客們因為這突來的怪物開始在閃避著) (看著酒客臨死前跟骷髏兵奮戰著....整個酒吧都著火了) ( 最後綠色的人影回到了他體內,他站了起來,所有的怪物都退去了) ( 我丟去了手中的煙斗,看著他) (他回過頭叫了聲Marius,彷彿要我跟著他) Why did I follow him? I don't know. Why do things happen as they do in dreams? All I know is that when he beckoned ... I had to follow him.. From that moment. we travel together, East...always into the East. Act II We traveled East. Over the mountains and into the vast deserts of Broken Lands, As the days passed my companion told me of himself- that he had once been a great warrior... and that a dark and secret burden, now weighed heavily upon him, We traveled for an etemity across that arid wasteland How long? I couldn't say... And always, a dark cloud seemed to follow us,just over the horizon, Finally, the journey ended, we climbed the last ridge. There below us lay our destination: the shining jewel, Lut Gholein with the great Sea beyound We Made camp the last night. Perhaps it was the warm desert wind or the sound of the ocean ,but for the first time in many weeks, I slept, However, the dreams returned, but these were clearly not my own. (看見一群黑袍人抓著一個木乃伊) I beheld a vision of a great man,the Mage , Tal Rasha You were there too,Tyrael, I remember seeing you in my dream. His brethren had cornered a great demon;Baal,Lord of Destruction, (T手中拿著黃色的stone飛了過來) who had been set loose upon the world, They attempted to imprison the demon within a sacred stone... (T關起了封閉這的石門) Yet, when their attempts failed, Tal Rasha selflessly volunteered to contain the demon within himself, completing the prison. he instructed his Brethren to bind him within a tomb ,buried under the sand, there to wrestle with to demon for all eternity. (隨著Ball因為胸口發亮的stone而大叫,我也從夢中驚醒)(D:被惡魔控制的hero) D: Now you know what I seek ,Marius, D: This is my brother D: Sleep now .We set out with the dawn. (一夜過去了) The next morning, we walked over the hill, toward Lut Gholein... I had no idea then of the horrors that were in store for me there. Act III (慢慢跟著他進入墓穴) My companion drew in the dank, cold air of the tomb. It seemed to ... strengthen him. I stood in the doorway, between light and dark. What was left of my sanity implored me not to enter, But the voice was just a whisper now... As we worked our way down, deeper and deeper into the crypt, I began to see a change in my companion, He seemed to be gaining strength. I could hardly see in the gloom, but my companion seemed to know the way. We came at last to a great hall, (他痛苦的叫著,像是體內的惡魔已經完全控制他了) It was then I realized My companion hadn't gaining strength he had been losing what was left of his humanity, (鏡頭帶到正在掙扎的Baal) He moved with demonic speed then.. And then...and then you appeared, (正當他準備救Baal) T: Stop! T: The beast contained harein shall not be set free! T: Not even you. (他把你給撞落了)(Baal : B) B: Look what they're done to me. Release me! Help me! (你揮動發著青光的劍跟他戰鬥著,我畏畏縮縮的走過木橋準備救他) B: Hurry...Please hurry! (拔起 Baal 胸口的 Soul stone) T: No! Don't do it! T: Fool! T: You have just insured the doom of this world. T: You cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion this day. T: Go to the Temple of Light in the Eastern city of Kurast. T: There you will find the gate to Hell opened before you. T: You must find the courage to step through that gate, Marius. T: Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed! T: Now, run! Take the stone and run! (當你丟開我的時候,我看到你被Baal的屍巾纏住了手,並扯掉你手中的長劍) What choice did I have? Iran. Act IV (這邊幾乎都是Mephisto的話,所以標示出Marius為M:) M:I did as you told me, Tyrael .I found the Temple of the Zakarum. M:In the deepest recesses of the Temple, I found a dark gathering: (我躲在柱子後面看著) M:my companion, the Wanderer ...Tal Rasha, and a great Evil M:who could only be the Lord of Hatred himself - Mephisto M:I heard a voice a thousand needles in my heart, Mephisto: My brothers! At long last we stand reunited! The Infernal Gate has been prepared - And the time of our final victory is at hand... Let the way to Hell be opened! (Tal Rasha手發紅光,Baal手呈黃光,Mephistol藍光凝聚在一起) And the evil that was once vanquished shall rise anew! Wrapped in the guise of man shall he walk amongst the innocent, and Terror shall consume they that dwell upon the Earth . (他們三個惡魔聚在一起的光升起了由骨頭造成的龍捲風) The skies shall rain fire, and the sea will become blood. The righteous shall fall before the wicked, and all Creation shall tremble before the burning Standards of Hell! What I saw then was not meant for mortal eyes.... The Gate stands ready! (Dark Wonderer 開始變化) Now my young brother, the time has come t assume your true form. Arise ,Diablo: Lord of Terror! You are the harbinger of our return, Diablo! Send forth your terror into Hell! Epilogue I heard later that he was defeated... ...that the Soulstones were destoryed at Hell Forge.. (敲碎了紅色(diablo)跟藍色(Mephisto)的 soulstone) ...All except one...I falled Tyrael,I couldn't do as you asked... I couldn't... enter that Gate... Forgive me,Tyrael Forgive me... (T 起身走近Marius) T:Marius ...Give me the stone,and all is forgiven (M 從領口拿起了藏在裡頭的soulstone) T:Give it to me,Marius. Take it,Take it,take it.I'm glad this is finally over Tyrael,Look what the Stone has done to me! (T拿起soulstone的瞬間,soulstone發出了黃色光芒) T:You haven't failed,old're done exactly as you were meant to do. T:However...I am not the Archangel Tyrael. (T拿起soulstone,發亮的soulstone照出T的臉孔,浮現了Baal的臉孔) Baal...No...No,no,no,no...No.. B:You have done well (這句字幕沒有,但是聽得到,此後T改為Baal(B)) B:Now I think you shall have your reward... What have I done to deserve this? (Baal伸出了手,殺死了Marius) -- 我的 diablo2 角色: 其中 2180 級以上,有 13 隻超過 90 級 -- 僅列出20隻 -- 1. lv81 亞馬遜 2. lv80 聖騎士 3. lv86 野蠻人 4. lv82 亞馬遜 5. lv98 德魯依 6. lv91 法師 7. lv90 聖騎士 8. lv86 德魯依 9. lv93 野蠻人 10. lv90 亞馬遜 11. lv81 法師 12. lv92 刺客 13. lv81 聖騎士 14. lv90 德魯依 15. lv99 亞馬遜 16. lv90 野蠻人 17. lv99 法師 18. lv99 野蠻人 19. lv99 聖騎士 20. lv92 死靈 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: quark 來自: (02/23 21:09)

推 02/23, , 1F
太強了 小弟甘拜下風
推 02/23, 1F

推 02/23, , 2F
推 02/23, 2F

推140.112.252.128 02/23, , 3F
推140.112.252.128 02/23, 3F

推 02/24, , 4F
推 02/24, 4F

推 02/24, , 5F
推 02/24, 5F

推 02/25, , 6F
推 02/25, 6F 04/26, , 7F
讚! 04/26, 7F

02/22 22:56, , 8F
02/22 22:56, 8F

03/29 15:40, , 9F
03/29 15:40, 9F

09/17 21:57, , 10F
09/17 21:57, 10F

11/16 22:41, , 11F
11/16 22:41, 11F

11/16 22:44, , 12F
11/16 22:44, 12F

11/16 23:08, , 13F
11/16 23:08, 13F

11/17 16:09, , 14F
11/17 16:09, 14F

11/17 16:18, , 15F
11/17 16:18, 15F

11/17 23:02, , 16F
Th..Th..The Strongest
11/17 23:02, 16F

11/17 23:04, , 17F
11/17 23:04, 17F

11/17 23:08, , 18F
11/17 23:08, 18F

11/17 23:11, , 19F
11/17 23:11, 19F

11/18 07:44, , 20F
11/18 07:44, 20F

11/18 17:11, , 21F
11/18 17:11, 21F

11/18 17:16, , 22F
11/18 17:16, 22F

11/18 17:24, , 23F
11/18 17:24, 23F

11/18 18:22, , 24F
11/18 18:22, 24F

11/18 23:37, , 25F
11/18 23:37, 25F

11/19 07:41, , 26F
11/19 07:41, 26F

11/19 07:55, , 27F
11/19 07:55, 27F

11/19 08:01, , 28F
11/19 08:01, 28F

11/19 08:11, , 29F
11/19 08:11, 29F

11/19 08:16, , 30F
來去考期中最後一科"Option" ★,*:‧\( ̄▽ ̄)/‧:*‧★
11/19 08:16, 30F

11/19 08:48, , 31F
0.0 還沒考完阿0.0
11/19 08:48, 31F

11/19 08:58, , 32F
11/19 08:58, 32F

11/19 16:11, , 33F
打石包阿 A_A
11/19 16:11, 33F

11/19 16:12, , 34F
11/19 16:12, 34F

11/19 16:34, , 35F
11/19 16:34, 35F

11/19 20:19, , 36F
11/19 20:19, 36F

11/19 20:26, , 37F
11/19 20:26, 37F

11/19 20:37, , 38F
11/19 20:37, 38F

11/19 20:43, , 39F
11/19 20:43, 39F
還有 24 則推文
11/20 20:56, , 64F
11/20 20:56, 64F

11/20 20:58, , 65F
11/20 20:58, 65F

11/20 21:11, , 66F
還想假!! 哼哼=..= ; 主選單那邊是因為遍地香蕉 (誤)
11/20 21:11, 66F

11/20 22:28, , 67F
我本來就很純潔^^ 香蕉??
11/20 22:28, 67F

11/21 00:14, , 68F
11/21 00:14, 68F

11/21 16:47, , 69F
11/21 16:47, 69F

11/21 17:24, , 70F
(/‵□)-▄︻╧╤═─…………… [A][K] 拿AK打AK 科科
11/21 17:24, 70F

11/21 20:52, , 71F
11/21 20:52, 71F

11/21 21:12, , 72F
11/21 21:12, 72F

11/21 23:30, , 73F
11/21 23:30, 73F

11/22 00:07, , 74F
11/22 00:07, 74F

11/22 08:26, , 75F
@@/ 出沒時間怪怪的AK
11/22 08:26, 75F

11/22 08:31, , 76F
~~~ ~~~ \("▔□▔)/\("▔□▔)/\("▔□▔)/\("▔□▔)/
11/22 08:31, 76F

11/22 08:35, , 77F
11/22 08:35, 77F

11/22 08:42, , 78F
等等代表學校出去丟臉 ┴┴ ︵╰(‵□′)╯︵ ┴┴
11/22 08:42, 78F

11/22 09:46, , 79F
11/22 09:46, 79F

11/22 12:15, , 80F
11/22 12:15, 80F

11/22 13:56, , 81F
11/22 13:56, 81F

11/22 14:14, , 82F
11/22 14:14, 82F

11/22 16:51, , 83F
贏117 輸123 沒機會晉級 ~''~
11/22 16:51, 83F

11/22 17:27, , 84F
好累 睡覺去 ......
11/22 17:27, 84F

11/22 22:43, , 85F
11/22 22:43, 85F

11/23 00:06, , 86F
11/23 00:06, 86F

11/23 10:45, , 87F
比賽阿@@ 117&123 是對方學校的IP 囧
11/23 10:45, 87F

11/23 10:59, , 88F
0.0 有表可以查學校IP媽?? 什麼比賽阿?
11/23 10:59, 88F

11/23 11:23, , 89F
ASK板 z-18-4-3
11/23 11:23, 89F

11/23 11:42, , 90F
11/23 11:42, 90F

11/23 14:52, , 91F
11/23 14:52, 91F

11/23 15:23, , 92F
11/23 15:23, 92F

11/23 17:17, , 93F
11/23 17:17, 93F

11/23 17:24, , 94F
11/23 17:24, 94F

11/23 18:19, , 95F
11/23 18:19, 95F

11/23 18:43, , 96F
11/23 18:43, 96F

11/23 18:59, , 97F
11/23 18:59, 97F

11/23 19:55, , 98F
11/23 19:55, 98F

11/23 19:57, , 99F
11/23 19:57, 99F

11/23 20:58, , 100F
11/23 20:58, 100F

11/23 21:11, , 101F
11/23 21:11, 101F

11/23 21:45, , 102F
11/23 21:45, 102F

02/22 16:23, , 103F
02/22 16:23, 103F
文章代碼(AID): #10EVgblP (DIABLO)
文章代碼(AID): #10EVgblP (DIABLO)