[情報] Patch Notes - August 12, 2024

看板BlizzHeroes (暴雪英霸 - Heroes of the Storm)作者 (forever)時間7月前 (2024/08/13 06:40), 編輯推噓13(1309)
留言22則, 15人參與, 5月前最新討論串1/1
https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/heroes-of-the-storm/24126146/ Our next Heroes of the Storm patch is live! Read on for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Quick Navigation: ------------------------------------------------------------ * General (#General) * Balance Update (#Balance) * Hero Updates (#Hero) * Bug Fixes (#Bugs) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** General ------------------------------------------------------------ * Updated Homescreen and Startup Music. * Updated Shop Bundles and Items. Return to Top (#return) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Balance Updates ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Heroes ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Brightwing ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 1 + Hyper Shift o Cooldown reduction reduced from 1 to .5 seconds. o Healing reduced from 6% to 4% of maximum Health. ** Genji ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 1 + Agile Dismount o Slow reduced from 30% to 25%. + Pathfinder o Movement Speed bonus increased from 25% to 30%. * Level 7 + Cyber Shield o Armor bonus reduced from 50 to 40. * Level 10 + X-Strike o Final damage reduced from 290 to 275. o Initial damage reduced from 145 to 135. * Level 13 + Shingan o Damage reduced from 115 to 100. ** Mephisto ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 4 + Spite o Spite has been disabled in ARAM. ** Qhira ------------------------------------------------------------ Base * Grappling Hook [Trait] + Cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds. * Carnage [Q] + Can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). * Blood Rage [W] + Cooldown reduced from 8 to 7 seconds. + Healing increased from 85 to 90. * Revolving Sweep [E] + Revolving Sweep's Chain Link can now hit targets immune to skill shots (Example: Zagara's Creep Tumors). Talents * Level 7 + Healmonger o Healing increased from 190 to 210. * Level 10 + Final Strike o Damage increased from 395 to 410. * Level 16 + Lingering Ailment o Armor reduction increased from 25 to [DEL: 40 :DEL] 35. o Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. ** Raynor ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 20 + Execute Orders o Updated to only target Heroes, prioritizing ones with the lowest Health. o Damage of Yamato Cannon reduced from 794 to 395 as it now targets only Heroes. o Will no longer target enemy Heroes not visible or greater than 20 range away. o Will now target enemy Heroes who are Invulnerable. ** Samuro ------------------------------------------------------------ Base * Wind Walk [E] + Periodic heal reduced from 3% per second to 2% per second. Talents * Level 1 + Way of the Wind o Reduced Healing for casting Wind Walk from 4% to 3% of maximum Health. * Level 4 + One with the Wind o Armor reduction decreased from 30% to 25%. * Level 10 + Bladestorm o Cooldown increased from 25 seconds to 30 seconds. ** Zarya ------------------------------------------------------------ Base * Particle Grenade [Q] + Damage increased from 75 to 80. * Shield Ally [E] + Search radius increased from 8 to 10. Talents * Level 7 + Deep Burn o Duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds. * Level 13 + Pain is Temporary o Shielding increased from 0.48% of Max Health per Energy to 0.8% of Max Health per Energy. Return to Top (#return) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Hero Updates ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Cassia ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 7 + Pain is Temporary o Improved the visibility of Surge of Light being available. ** Gazlowe ------------------------------------------------------------ General * Added indicator arrows to Gazlowe's Xplodium Bomb warning indicator. ** Samuro ------------------------------------------------------------ General * Added an arrow indicator below Samuro facing the direction of any active Mirror Images. ** Uther ------------------------------------------------------------ Talents * Level 20 + Bulwark of Light o Added a radius indicator while targeting with Divine Shield. Return to Top (#return) ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------ ** General ------------------------------------------------------------ * Catapults will now display properly in the Death Recap. * Effects that reduce your vision radius now prevents soft reveals (Things that make your character visible). * Fixed an issue that caused dance animations to persist after moving, using an ability, or attacking. * Fixed an issue that caused Forts and Keeps to not activate their Call for Help mechanics when multiple enemy Heroes attack an enemy Hero at the same time. * Fixed an issue that caused Heroes to not spawn at the start of the game. * Fixed an issue that caused Heroes with non-standard Deaths to display their final hit incorrectly in the Death Recap. * Fixed an issue that caused overhead shrub indicator to persist after leaving the shrub. * Fixed an issue that caused shield-like effects to not be treated as Shields. * Fixed an issue that caused some abilities to allow the caster to gather experience globes while inside a shrub. * Fixed an issue that caused some passive move speed benefits to not behave consistently. * Fixed an issue that caused Summons to not have their attack speed reduced when attacking Heroes with Imposing Presence or similar talents. * Fixed an issue that caused targets inside shrubs to be revealed by proximity when the other unit has vision reduction. * Fixed an issue that caused vignette borders on some cutscenes to render incorrectly at higher than 1080x1920 resolutions. * Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Death Recap. ** Maps ------------------------------------------------------------ * Garden of Terror + Fixed an issue that caused the Toy Train to not be dismounted by Garden of Terror's Polymorph ability. * Try Me Mode + Added a regen globe generator. ** Heroes ------------------------------------------------------------ * Abathur + Level 7 o Calldown: MULE # Updated to use level-based scaling. + Level 10 o Ultimate Evolution # Fixed an issue that caused Pylons created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Probius to not be destroyed when the Ultimate Evolution expires. # Fixed an issue that caused traps created by Ultimate Evolution clones of Junkrat to only be removed when Abathur dies. + Level 13 o Soma Transference # Updated to heal the target for its amount as a singular combined effect. * Alarak + Base o Lightning Surge [E] # Updated to heal Alarak for its amount as a singular combined effect. # Now soft reveals all primary target types instead of just Heroes. + Level 7 o Applied Force # Now applies the increased push distance to Alarak. + Level 20 o Counter-Strike # Now soft reveals targets hit. o Last Laugh # Fixed an issue that caused Last Laugh to show up twice on the Death Recap. * Alexstrasza + Level 10 o Cleansing Flame # Fixed an issue that caused Cleansing Flame to display incorrectly when used by an AI controlled Alexstrasza. * Ana + Fixed an issue where Ana's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. * Anduin + Base o Pursued by Grace [Trait] # Fixed an issue that caused Pursued by Grace to activate while Blinded or against an Evading Hero. + Level 4 o Surge of Light # Fixed an issue that caused Surge of Light to lower the cooldown of Chastise while Blinded or against Evading enemies. + Level 16 o Inner Focus # Fixed an issue that caused Blinds to not prevent Anduin's Physical damage to lower the cooldown of Inner Focus. * Arthas + Base o Frostmourne Hungers [Trait] # Fixed an issue that caused Frostmourne Hungers to not display correctly against Blinded or Evading enemies. * Auriel + Level 20 o Light Speed # Fixed an issue that caused Light Speed's benefits to not be granted to Leoric. * Azmodan + Fixed an issue that caused All Shall Burn talents to not apply their on-kill effects unless Azmodan has taken Master of Destruction. + Level 10 o Demonic Invasion # Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Invasion Grunts on-death damage to not be modified by damage modification. * Blaze + Base o Jet Propulsion [E] # Now soft reveals targets hit. * Brightwing + Base o Polymorph [W] # Fixed an issue that caused Polymorph's Slow to not classify the target as being Slowed. + Level 4 o Magic Spit # Fixed an issue that caused Magic Spit to activate its cooldown reduction against Evading Heroes. * Cassia + Fixed an issue with Blinds not preventing all Physical damage. + Level 7 o Surge of Light # Fixed an issue that caused cooldown resets to not make Surge of Light available. # Updated Surge of Light to include damage taken by Cassia's Shields. * Chen + Level 1 o Stormstout Secret Recipe # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Cho'Gall + Fixed an issue where Cho'Gall's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. + Level 4 o Rollback # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Chromie + Fixed an issue that caused Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Spell Power to not be granted to Ultimate Evolution Sand Echo Sand Blasts. + Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of Sand Echo Sand Blasts. + Fixed an issue that caused Sand Blast Echoes to reveal Chromie. + Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blast damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. + Fixed an issue that caused Sand Echo Sand Blasts to still be fired if Chromie's Sand Blast is interrupted. + Base o Dragon's Breath [W] # No longer soft reveals Chromie when casting Dragon's Breath on enemies that have their vision reduced. + Level 20 o Piercing Sands # Fixed an issue that caused Piercing Sands to not cause Sand Blast to hit all targets. * Dehaka + Base o Drag [Q] # Target's movement speed now matches Dehaka's movement speed. o Dark Swam [W] # Fixed an issue that caused Dark Swam to not deal damage for the last .5 seconds. + Level 10 o Adaptation # Fixed an issue that caused Adaptation to show up twice on the Death Recap. * Diablo + Level 10 o Apocalypse # Will now activate even if Diablo is interrupted during the cast time. * D.Va + Level 10 o Bunny Hop # Now soft reveals targets hit. o Micro Missiles # Now soft reveals all targets hit, instead of only the triggering target. * E.T.C. + Base o Powerslide [Q] # Fixed issues with Powerslide when targeted into unpathable terrain with Crowdsurfer. + Level 1 o Prog Rock # Now displays in the Death Recap. + [DEL: Level 10 :DEL] o [DEL: The Hunt :DEL] # [DEL: Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] * Fenix + Base o Weapon Mode: Phase Bomb [W] # Fixed an issue that caused Phase Bomb's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. * Genji + Fixed an issue that caused Dodge to not prevent all on-hit effects. + Base o Swift Strike [E] # No longer soft reveals Genji to targets hit by Swift Strike that are affected by vision reduction. + Level 4 o Dragon Claw # Now soft reveals targets hit. + Level 10 o X-Strike # Now soft reveals targets hit. * Greymane + Worgen form's Basic Attack damage increase is now additive. + Base o Inner Beast [W] # Fixed an issue that caused Inner Beasts' on-hit bonuses to apply on-fire instead of on-hit. * Gul'dan + Level 20 o Demonic Circle # Fixed an issue that caused Demonic Circle's outgoing FX to only be visible if you see Gul'dan's teleported to location. * Hanzo + Level 4 o Explosive Arrows # Now soft reveals targets hit. + Level 7 o The Dragon Hungers # Fixed an issue that caused The Dragon Hungers to apply the Spell Power bonus to the triggering damage effect. + Level 10 o Dragon's Arrow # Now soft reveals targets hit. * Hogger + Level 7 o Garbage Fire # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 13 o Bloodthirst # Now causes Headbanger to heal Hogger for the damage dealt. * Illidan + Level 4 o Hunter's Onslaught # Now causes Immolation to heal Illidan for the damage dealt. + Level 10 o The Hunt # Fixed issues that caused Illidan to Hunt towards the enemy Hall of Storms. * Kel'Thuzad + Fixed an issue that caused Defense Matrix to not reduce the damage of the Shade's Death and Decay. + Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's damage to not gain the benefits of Spell Leech. + Fixed an issue that caused the Shade's Death and Decay to still be fired if Kel'Thuzad's Death and Decay cast is interrupted. + Level 20 o Deathchill # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Kerrigan + Level 1 o Fury of the Swarm # Fixed an issue that caused Fury of the Swarm's splash to not behave correctly while Blinded or against Evading enemies. * Kharazim + Level 16 o Echo of Heaven # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Leoric + Level 20 o Buried Alive # Now displays in the Death Recap. o Shroud of the Dead King # Shroud of the Dead King now shows floating text for the amount of damage prevented. * Li-Ming + Level 1 o Aether Walker # Fixed an issue that caused Aether Walker to apply the damage bonus to Magic Missiles incorrectly. * Lt. Morales + Base o Healing Beam [Q] # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 16 o Extended Care # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 20 o Hospice Care # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Lucio + Level 7 o Reverse Amp # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Maiev + Base o Umbral Bind [W] # Fixed an issue that caused Umbral Bind's cleave to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. + Level 1 o Naisha's Memento # Fixed an issue that caused Naisha's Memento to grant Vengeful Knives progress while Blinded or against Evading Heroes. * Malfurion + Base o Moonfire [W] # Updated to heal Regrowth targets for its amount as a singular combined effect per target. * Mal'Ganis + Level 7 o Black Claws # Fixed an issue that caused Black Claw's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. + Level 16 o Blind as a Bat # Blind as a Bat now instantly removes any area reveals. # Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to not lose vision of enemies that are revealed by damaging Mal'Ganis. # Fixed an issue that caused Blind as a Bat to see enemies when first cast. * Malthael + Base o Soul Rip [Q] # Updated to heal Malthael for its amount spread over up to 3 effects. * Medivh + Level 7 o Arcane Explosion # Fixed an issue that caused Arcane Explosion to destroy Raynor's Banshee's Basic Attack missiles. + Level 20 o Dust of Disappearance # Updated for apply visuals to appear as soon as granted. * Mei + Fixed an issue where Mei's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. + Level 10 o Ice Wall # Fixed an issue that caused abilities to be usable when Ice Wall transitions from timed to untimed. + Level 20 o Flash Freeze # Fixed an issue that caused Flash Freeze to not properly cancel effects that launch Mei. o Shatter # Fixed an issue that caused Shatter's Armor reduction to not be removed by Invulnerable. * Muradin + Level 13 o Bronzebeard Rage # Now displays in the Death Recap. o Healing Static # Updated to heal Muradin for its amount as a singular combined effect. * Murky + Level 10 o Octo-Grab # Fixed an issue that caused Octo-Grab to be placed on full cooldown if the target moves out of reach. + Level 13 o Rejuvenating Bubble # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Nazeebo + Level 7 o Dead Rush # Fixed an issue that caused Zombie Wall's Zombies to lose health after uprooting with Dead Rush. * Nova + Level 16 o Explosive Round # Explosive Snipe's damage modifier is now additive. * Orphea + Level 13 o Invasive Miasma # Updated to heal Orphea for its amount as a singular combined effect. * Qhira + Base o Blood Rage [W] # Blood Rage's heal no longer fills the Death Recap with empty entries. + Level 4 o Upstage # Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to also prevent damage from Summoned attacks. # Fixed an issue that caused Upstage to not prevent all on-hit effects. + Level 7 o Healmonger # Updated to heal Qhira for its amount as a singular combined effect. * Ragnaros + Level 1 o Shifting Meteor # Fixed an issue that caused Shifting Meteor to not travel the full remaining distance of the Living Meteor. * Rehgar + Base o Chain Heal [Q] # Fixed an issue that caused Chain Heal to be visible to others while inside a shrub. + Level 13 o Wellspring # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 20 o Farseer's Blessing # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Rexxar + Level 13 o Dire Beast # Damage increase is now additive. + Level 20 o Spirit Bond # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Stitches + Level 7 o Putrefaction # Fixed an issue with Putrefaction's healing reduction. * Stukov + Level 10 o Massive Shove # Fixed an issue that caused Massive Shove to launch from Stukov's origin point. * Sylvanas + Level 13 o Remorseless # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Tassadar + Level 4 o Electric Fence # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 10 o Black Hole # Fixed an issue that caused Black Hole to hit targets a second time at its apex. * The Butcher + Base o Ruthless Onslaught [E] # Now soft reveals the target on impact. * The Lost Vikings + Olaf o Fixed an issue that caused Olaf's Attack not showing up as a Basic Attack. + Level 20 o Checkpoint Reached # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Tracer + Fixed an issue that caused the last bullet from Tracer's previous magazine to be fired when Tracer's Reload completes. + Level 4 o Pulse Generator # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 13 o Telefrag # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Tyrael + Level 1 o Salvation # Now displays in the Death Recap. + Level 4 o Bound by Law # Updated to heal Tyrael for its amount as a singular combined effect. + Level 13 o Law and Order # Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order to apply to Smites that are currently being cast. + Level 16 o Burning Halo # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Tyrande + Level 7 o Huntress' Fury # Fixed an issue that caused Huntress' Fury to activate against Evading enemies. * Uther + Level 1 o Wave of Light # Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light quest reward to revert Divine Protection's duration increase if completed after selecting Divine Protection. # Fixed an issue that caused Wave of Light to not grant its full quest reward benefit to Armor granted to Uther if Divine Protection is selected. + Level 16 o Tyr's Deliverance # Fixed an issue that caused Tyr's Deliverance to apply its bonus to the active Holy Radiance, instead of the next Holy Radiance. + Level 20 o Divine Protection # Fixed an issue that caused Divine Protection to be inconsistent in how it is applied to an already active Devotion Armor. * Valeera + Level 16 o Seal Fate # Fixed an issue that caused Sinister Strike to deal additional damage to non-Heroes. * Xul + Level 7 o Trag'Oul's Essence # Now displays in the Death Recap. * Yrel + Fixed an issue where Yrel's abilities caused players to highlight enemies. * Zagara + Level 10 o Nydus Network # Now displays the correct icon in the Death Recap. * Zarya + Level 7 o Explosive Barrier # Now displays in the Death Recap. Return to Top (#return) ------------------------------------------------------------ Click here to discuss this post with other players in the official Heroes of the Storm forums (https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/heroes/?blzcmp=blizzard-news) . -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlizzHeroes/M.1723502423.A.02D.html

08/14 07:14, 7月前 , 1F
08/14 07:14, 1F

08/14 07:18, 7月前 , 2F
這麼多年 ARAM莫非斯托一直靠吃球爽打對面
08/14 07:18, 2F

08/14 07:19, 7月前 , 3F
2024八月才改掉 笑死 rip mophisto Aug 2024
08/14 07:19, 3F

08/14 15:30, 7月前 , 4F
08/14 15:30, 4F

08/14 18:57, 7月前 , 5F
08/14 18:57, 5F

08/14 19:04, 7月前 , 6F
竟然有更新 嚇死
08/14 19:04, 6F

08/15 03:29, 7月前 , 7F
08/15 03:29, 7F

08/15 12:31, 7月前 , 8F
08/15 12:31, 8F

08/15 12:41, 7月前 , 9F
08/15 12:41, 9F

08/16 00:04, 7月前 , 10F
08/16 00:04, 10F

08/16 00:05, 7月前 , 11F
別改吃球阿 哭阿 不吃球我不會玩了
08/16 00:05, 11F

08/16 14:41, 7月前 , 12F
08/16 14:41, 12F

08/16 16:09, 7月前 , 13F
竟然更新了 火!
08/16 16:09, 13F

08/19 17:28, 7月前 , 14F
08/19 17:28, 14F

08/19 17:28, 7月前 , 15F
08/19 17:28, 15F

08/20 09:28, 7月前 , 16F
08/20 09:28, 16F

08/21 16:37, 7月前 , 17F
前幾天打ARAM一直想說怎沒拔 今天拔了 死去
08/21 16:37, 17F

08/25 10:54, 7月前 , 18F
08/25 10:54, 18F

08/30 12:22, 7月前 , 19F
英霸要火 重磅更新
08/30 12:22, 19F

09/04 11:28, 6月前 , 20F
09/04 11:28, 20F

09/07 17:40, 6月前 , 21F
09/07 17:40, 21F

10/07 13:16, 5月前 , 22F
10/07 13:16, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1ckezN0j (BlizzHeroes)
文章代碼(AID): #1ckezN0j (BlizzHeroes)