[翻譯] 動視影響擴增 暴雪樽節求生

看板BlizzHeroes (暴雪英霸 - Heroes of the Storm)作者 (傲嬌魚)時間6年前 (2018/12/25 20:41), 6年前編輯推噓40(488136)
留言192則, 45人參與, 6年前最新討論串1/1
(弱弱的編譯 建議看原文 少數部份為了閱讀通暢加入了點內容) With Activision's Influence Growing, Blizzard Is Cutting Costs 作者: Jason Schreier 原文: https://bit.ly/2rS7ysQ Blizzard has spent the year taking big measures to cut costs as it prepares for a lean 2019. Those measures, as conveyed by people who work or have worked for the iconic studio, include employee buyouts in which workers are offered money to leave, a broadening of the finance department, and the limitation of budgets for any team at the company that isn't directly making video games. 暴雪正準備透過資遣員工、擴大財務部、限縮非開發部門的預算來實現樽節計畫. Much of Blizzard's cost-cutting has gone unreported until recently, but it's been a consistent theme throughout 2018 at the Irvine, California-based studio behind mega-hits like Overwatch and World of Warcraft. One Blizzard program, for example, is called Career Crossroads. It offers healthy severance packages to people who voluntarily take buyouts and choose to leave the company. At first, Career Crossroads was designed for veteran customer service representatives who had been at Blizzard for more than five years, but this year, it opened up to QA and IT, according to one person familiar with the program. Blizzard has also lowered the number of years required to take a buyout, opening up Career Crossroads to even more employees, likely in hopes of increasing those numbers. 其中一個計畫(Career Crossroads),提供優渥的條件讓五年以上工作經驗的資深客服 自願離職,但今年開放QA及IT部門申請,且下修年資以適用更多員工. "Over the course of the last year, Blizzard has been trying very actively to find creative ways to cut costs that won’t draw negative press attention," said a former employee. 一個前員工說:過去一年,暴雪的創意都用在想辦法如何costdown又不被罵了 When asked for comment, Blizzard declined to address other items in this report but did send over a statement about Career Crossroads: " We have had a completely voluntary and long-standing program in various locations around the world that gives eligible staff the option to make the most of incentives while proactively pursuing other career opportunities. No one is required or encouraged to participate in the program, but for those who do, we work hard to make it generous. We’ve been offering it for many years—initially to some of our customer service teams, and we expanded it for a short period of time to a few other departments recently, given that it has proven to be a good way to help people who have been thinking about a career change or going back to school to get a head start on that path if that's what they want to do. While fewer than 10 people in the departments we recently expanded the program to have taken advantage of it, the general idea is that in addition to providing them with that opportunity, it also helps us give more advancement opportunities to other employees on the team when possible. " 被問到這項計畫的時候,暴雪提出了解釋: 這項計畫已經持續多年,那些想離開的老員工可以透過這項計畫,領取優渥的報酬以 以答謝他們多年的努力,然後尋找人生的新方向.而這項計畫廣受好評,所以我們擴大了 適用範圍. At the same time, Blizzard is actively hiring for its game development teams, as it continues to work on new games in franchises like Diablo and Overwatch. There’s no way to know what the results of this cost-cutting might look like in the coming years, but it’s clear that the direction from the top is to release more games, which could ultimately benefit fans of Blizzard. The big question, as expressed by those who work and have worked at the company, is what kind of impact these cultural shifts will have on one of the most legendary studios in gaming, one that is regularly ranked among the best video game companies to work. And what kind of impact will it have on Blizzard's games? 在此同時,暴雪也在為了像是Diablo/OW那樣的新遊戲拓展開發團隊. 雖說無法預期這些樽節措施未來會造就怎樣的結果,但很顯然暴雪正在發展更多的遊戲, 最終總是玩家受益. 但對於暴雪員工或關注其文化的玩家來說,不免擔心這些措施會對暴雪文化產生如何的 影響? 甚至,對遊戲本身會不會帶來衝擊? Last month, a Kotaku investigation revealed that Blizzard's staff have been told to reduce expenses while at the same time produce more games. There are likely several reasons for this shift in priorities, including a lack of consistent output, a weak year for Activision-Blizzard overall, and Activision's increasing influence on Blizzard, which has traditionally been an autonomous company but has been overseen by Activision's CEO, Bobby Kotick, since the two companies merged in 2008. That influence has grown this year in many ways both blatant and subtle. 就在上個月,暴雪員工被告知要減少開支,並且要提高產能.這可能是因為動視暴雪表現 太過疲軟的原因.在以前暴雪可維持獨立運作,但隨著動視CEO的監督之下,動視對暴雪的 影響越來越大.尤以今年為甚. For November's report, we talked to 11 current and former Blizzard employees. Since then, we've heard from even more current and former Blizzard staff about the company’s cost-cutting measures and how they've materialized. The Career Crossroads program is one example. Another, according to three Blizzard staff who all left recently, is a power shift that has seen the finance department cultivate influence that it had never had in the past. 在11月的調查中我們訪問了11個現任及前任的暴雪員工,從那時就聽到許多樽節措施. 包括上面說的Career Crossroads自願離職計畫.而根據最近離開的三位前員工說,財務 部門獲得前所未有的影響力. “Finance in general in Blizzard has been one of these invisible functions that's there, but doesn't have a say,” said one veteran employee who left recently and asked not to be named because they were not authorized to talk to press. "Now they're suddenly in meetings." 一個未授權的前員工說:以往財務部門沒有話語權,直至今日. Said a second, who also asked not to be named: “A lot of decisions now are being driven by business folks, marketing and finance folks. There’s a real struggle now between developers and the business people… Strategic decisions are being driven by the finance group.” These decisions could range from major (Which technology should we use for this new incubation project?) to minor (How much do we spend on BlizzCon goodie boxes this year?). It’s a major cultural shift, one driven by top executives at the company including Armin Zerza, who was chief financial officer (CFO) at the studio before he became chief operating officer (COO) in late 2017. Under Zerza, Blizzard has brought in a number of business-minded employees both from Activision and the consulting company McKinsey, many of whom might have different priorities than longtime Blizzard staff or those with development backgrounds. 另一個不具名的人士指出:現在許多決策都是由商務/行銷/財務部門來決定的,開發部門 無權置喙,這導致開發部門與上述的業務部門產生了衝突. 而這些影響的決策之廣,上至"決定使用何種開發技術",下至"BlizzCon禮包的成本多少", 無一不包.之所以會產生這些衝突,主要是高層引入了以財務導向的員工.這些人與傳統暴 雪員工只專注遊戲的目標不同,而是以營利為導向. Earlier this year, new Blizzard CFO Amrita Ahuja, who also came over from Activision, told employees during an all-hands meeting that it was time to start reining in their spending. That was a common theme at many of Blizzard’ s departments this year, according to those who were there. “That speech from Amrita about cutting costs, that wasn’t a one time thing,” said one person who worked on a non-development team. “We were told to cut costs on a monthly basis.” 就在今年稍早時,新任暴雪CFO在一次大型員工會議中告訴大家:看好暴雪的荷包.而且這不 是他第一次這麼說.於是這成了暴雪各部門的主要課題. 一個非開發部門的員工說:我們被要求逐月減少支出. So far, the cost-cutting has mostly taken place in non-gaming departments, with one big exception. Last week, Blizzard announced plans to reduce the staff of Heroes of the Storm and eliminate its esports program. It was a surprising move to those who made their careers off Heroes, but among Blizzard games, this was the weakest link—Heroes of the Storm had always struggled to find as much financial success as Blizzard's other big hits. 到目前為止,只有非遊戲部門才實施樽節計畫,只有一個例外. 上週暴雪宣布減少暴雪英霸的人力支出,並取消電競計畫.這震驚了那些以此遊戲為生 的人們.在暴雪遊戲中,暴雪英霸雖然一直是小眾遊戲,但也在努力尋找成功的契機. There have been other big moves as well. Today, the British website Eurogamer reported that over 100 people have accepted buyouts at Blizzard's customer service office in Cork, Ireland. And among Blizzard staff and close observers, rumors have circulated about potential layoffs in the new year. The game development teams are seen as safe —the mandate is to make more games, after all—but those at other departments are worried about what might be coming when 2019 arrives. 最新的樽節措施是:位於愛爾蘭的歐洲分部,有超過100名的客服人員接受了自願離職計畫. 另有傳言指出2019年會有裁員計畫,可能只有開發部門不受影響,畢竟這會影響到新遊戲的 進度.至於其他部門就沒這麼好運了,大家都擔心會發生不好的事. To look at Activision and Blizzard is to see two companies that, for over a decade, have followed connected but very different models. Under Bobby Kotick, Activision has found success through annual releases of games like Call of Duty and, until recently, Skylanders. Meanwhile, under co-founder and longtime CEO Mike Morhaime, Blizzard has marched at its own pace, sticking with old games for the long haul and releasing new ones whenever the company felt like they were ready. Blizzard has gone years without releasing a brand new game, while Activision hasn't let a fall go by without a new Call of Duty since 2004. 回顧動視及暴雪這兩家公司的文化截然不同,動視不斷推出新的Call of Duty系列遊戲, 但暴雪以自己的步調,專注在舊有的遊戲上,遲遲未發表新的遊戲.至於新作何時推出呢? 暴雪的回答是:"準備好了才會發表". 這在動視是不可能發生的:動視自2014以來,每年都會發表一款Call of Duty系列作. Now, Morhaime is gone, and Activision appears to have more influence on Blizzard than it ever has. Will Blizzard’s games-as-a-service, release-it-when-it's-ready approach to development survive these new changes? It might take years before we know the answers, but some Blizzard employees—and many fans—are concerned about what they might be. The influences of a major corporation can be subtle and sometimes impossible to discern. “Blizzard is a special place,” said one former employee. “A lot of people are worried about the future of Blizzard—if the Activision method seeps in more, what that’s going to become.” 在Mike Morhaime離開以後,動視對暴雪的影響更甚以往.暴雪的遊戲現在多以線上服務 的方式存在,所以"準備好了才會發表"這種開發模式,是否會因為動視的態度而產生了 變化?這可能要經過許多年的觀察才能得知. 但對暴雪員工和粉絲來說卻非常擔心動視主導暴雪的一切,畢竟你無法預測動視的下一步. "暴雪對大家來說代表許多意義,所以許多人都擔心它的未來,尤其是被動視掐住的暴雪" 一個前員工這麼說. (完) 延伸閱讀:超過100位暴雪員工接受自願買斷離職,官方稱既有服務不受影響 https://bit.ly/2rSTLSZ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlizzHeroes/M.1545741665.A.EB2.html ※ 編輯: felaray (, 12/25/2018 20:44:57

12/25 20:49, 6年前 , 1F
12/25 20:49, 1F

12/25 20:55, 6年前 , 2F
12/25 20:55, 2F

12/25 20:56, 6年前 , 3F
bz已死 不用燒紙
12/25 20:56, 3F
燒紙不符合樽節計畫 很浪費資源

12/25 21:21, 6年前 , 4F
就說了吧 這種殺雞取卵的經營模式就是引進了只會搞財
12/25 21:21, 4F

12/25 21:21, 6年前 , 5F
12/25 21:21, 5F

12/25 21:23, 6年前 , 6F
對他們來講獲利率的提升才是成功 跟玩家期待的好玩遊
12/25 21:23, 6F

12/25 21:23, 6年前 , 7F
戲 良好的體驗常常是相左的(你要提高這部分視同墊
12/25 21:23, 7F

12/25 21:23, 6年前 , 8F
高成本 這對他們來說是最不可能忍受的)
12/25 21:23, 8F
良好體驗可以帶來更多玩家以增進營收, 而不是為了營收把遊戲做死 本末倒置

12/25 21:31, 6年前 , 9F
12/25 21:31, 9F

12/25 21:31, 6年前 , 10F
12/25 21:31, 10F
併購就是這樣啊 看看科技業 一堆糟糕併購

12/25 21:37, 6年前 , 11F
12/25 21:37, 11F

12/25 21:51, 6年前 , 12F
12/25 21:51, 12F

12/25 21:52, 6年前 , 13F
12/25 21:52, 13F

12/25 21:53, 6年前 , 14F
12/25 21:53, 14F
就暴雪魂gg ※ 編輯: felaray (, 12/25/2018 22:04:38

12/25 22:02, 6年前 , 15F
12/25 22:02, 15F

12/25 22:05, 6年前 , 16F
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12/25 22:07, 6年前 , 17F
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12/25 22:08, 6年前 , 18F
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12/25 22:09, 6年前 , 19F
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12/25 22:09, 6年前 , 20F
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12/25 22:10, 6年前 , 21F
12/25 22:10, 21F

12/25 22:11, 6年前 , 22F
12/25 22:11, 22F

12/25 22:18, 6年前 , 23F
樓上 他們暴雪 跟 他們動視 就不是成功的那一批人了
12/25 22:18, 23F

12/25 22:19, 6年前 , 24F
根本沒經歷過 就沒有所謂記不記得...
12/25 22:19, 24F

12/25 22:19, 6年前 , 25F
動視根本不CARE這一切 財報才是
12/25 22:19, 25F

12/25 22:24, 6年前 , 26F
動視就EA2.0啊 哪管你什麼經驗 只看單純的數字
12/25 22:24, 26F

12/25 22:25, 6年前 , 27F
12/25 22:25, 27F

12/25 22:25, 6年前 , 28F
12/25 22:25, 28F

12/25 22:25, 6年前 , 29F
12/25 22:25, 29F

12/25 22:27, 6年前 , 30F
暴雪這一波在動視壓力逼迫下搞出的荒謬政策 傷害都
12/25 22:27, 30F

12/25 22:27, 6年前 , 31F
12/25 22:27, 31F

12/25 22:31, 6年前 , 32F
12/25 22:31, 32F
還有 120 則推文
12/28 06:33, 6年前 , 153F
反正都是they的錯 還是真的死撐到創意枯竭了被捨棄
12/28 06:33, 153F

12/28 06:36, 6年前 , 154F
12/28 06:36, 154F

12/28 08:48, 6年前 , 155F
12/28 08:48, 155F

12/28 08:51, 6年前 , 156F
12/28 08:51, 156F

12/28 08:52, 6年前 , 157F
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12/28 08:54, 6年前 , 158F
12/28 08:54, 158F

12/28 08:55, 6年前 , 159F
12/28 08:55, 159F

12/28 08:55, 6年前 , 160F
12/28 08:55, 160F

12/28 08:57, 6年前 , 161F
12/28 08:57, 161F

12/28 08:58, 6年前 , 162F
12/28 08:58, 162F

12/28 09:07, 6年前 , 163F
12/28 09:07, 163F

12/28 09:09, 6年前 , 164F
12/28 09:09, 164F

12/28 09:09, 6年前 , 165F
12/28 09:09, 165F

12/28 09:29, 6年前 , 166F
12/28 09:29, 166F

12/28 09:29, 6年前 , 167F
12/28 09:29, 167F

12/28 09:29, 6年前 , 168F
現在危機比較可怕 動視全面接受根本是走殺雞取卵路線
12/28 09:29, 168F

12/28 09:29, 6年前 , 169F
12/28 09:29, 169F

12/28 09:30, 6年前 , 170F
各種人才出走 烙跑也是在那時候 現在暴雪就是這樣
12/28 09:30, 170F

12/28 09:39, 6年前 , 171F
12/28 09:39, 171F

12/28 09:40, 6年前 , 172F
12/28 09:40, 172F

12/28 11:17, 6年前 , 173F
樓上說的沒錯 只是放風聲出來 草草結束
12/28 11:17, 173F

12/28 15:57, 6年前 , 174F
@WTF5566 表面上是理念不合的製作人出走,實際上在那種
12/28 15:57, 174F

12/28 15:57, 6年前 , 175F
12/28 15:57, 175F

12/28 15:58, 6年前 , 176F
12/28 15:58, 176F

12/28 16:05, 6年前 , 177F
12/28 16:05, 177F

12/28 16:17, 6年前 , 178F
以前至少你還是有團隊跟資源能做到產品快出 現在是你
12/28 16:17, 178F

12/28 16:17, 6年前 , 179F
上面就限縮你的開發方向跟規模了 不能比吧
12/28 16:17, 179F

12/28 16:18, 6年前 , 180F
以前還有機會弄出經典 現在是經典無望 只能跑去搞電
12/28 16:18, 180F

12/28 16:18, 6年前 , 181F
12/28 16:18, 181F

12/28 16:27, 6年前 , 182F
Diablo Go喇孵出一堆沉淪魔,總統府當地獄熔爐敲符文
12/28 16:27, 182F

12/28 16:59, 6年前 , 183F
@WTF5566 對,以前還有機會等,現在看起來的確就直接GG
12/28 16:59, 183F

12/28 17:26, 6年前 , 184F
12/28 17:26, 184F

12/28 22:00, 6年前 , 185F
12/28 22:00, 185F

12/28 22:00, 6年前 , 186F
話其實不是這麼說的 你看看之前暴雪的前爸爸
12/28 22:00, 186F

12/28 22:00, 6年前 , 187F
12/28 22:00, 187F

12/28 22:01, 6年前 , 188F
他其實原來是法國的自來水事業公司 到現在也150年了
12/28 22:01, 188F

12/28 22:01, 6年前 , 189F
人家就是很厲害 多角化經營 公司一直開到現在
12/28 22:01, 189F

12/28 22:02, 6年前 , 190F
12/28 22:02, 190F

12/28 22:02, 6年前 , 191F
所以你說前浪死在沙灘上? 我覺得未必 人家母公司有本事
12/28 22:02, 191F

12/28 22:02, 6年前 , 192F
你看微軟也是 反正財大氣粗 我就一直買工作室
12/28 22:02, 192F
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