[閒聊] 第一波 Online Event

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (正正)時間12年前 (2012/10/12 19:16), 編輯推噓2(201)
留言3則, 3人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Wipe out the zombies! The first event (an elimination event) held on residentevil.net Try and defeat as many as zombies as possible The winner will recieve an appropriate prize This should give us an idea of everyone's potential 10.14.2012 19:00 - 10.20.2012 19:00:00 RE.NET剛剛發布的,這EVENT是不是就狂殺殭屍阿?? 好期待!! 希望有些特別的東西!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/12 19:20, , 1F
10/12 19:20, 1F

10/12 20:07, , 2F
怎麼是禮拜天晚上開 不是今天@@
10/12 20:07, 2F

10/12 21:32, , 3F
10/12 21:32, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1GT_mYmr (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1GT_mYmr (BioHazard)