[問題] 請問01345代啟動自爆裝置的音樂和台詞

看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (me262)時間14年前 (2010/10/19 19:14), 編輯推噓8(8012)
留言20則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
請問這幾代中自爆裝置(如果有的話) 音樂在原聲帶中的標題是什麼 然後台詞是怎麼說的? 多問一下聖女密碼的台詞 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: iwinlottery 來自: (10/19 19:15)

10/19 19:21, , 1F
2代是 Escape from Laboratory
10/19 19:21, 1F

10/19 19:32, , 2F
10/19 19:32, 2F

10/20 00:07, , 3F
the self destruction has been activated, all personel
10/20 00:07, 3F

10/20 00:08, , 4F
evacuate immedietly (self-destruction才對)
10/20 00:08, 4F

10/20 00:08, , 5F
10/20 00:08, 5F

10/20 06:25, , 6F
是不是還有一句類似can not be aborted之類的
10/20 06:25, 6F

10/20 07:27, , 7F
二代有接all the Enployees proceed the bottom platform
10/20 07:27, 7F

10/20 07:27, , 8F
10/20 07:27, 8F

10/20 10:56, , 9F
The self destructive sequence has been activated.
10/20 10:56, 9F

10/20 10:56, , 10F
Repeat. The self destructive sequence has been
10/20 10:56, 10F

10/20 10:57, , 11F
activated.This sequence may not be aborted.
10/20 10:57, 11F

10/20 10:59, , 12F
All employees proceed to the emergency car and
10/20 10:59, 12F

10/20 10:59, , 13F
bottom platform.
10/20 10:59, 13F

10/20 21:08, , 14F
10/20 21:08, 14F

10/20 23:27, , 15F
10/20 23:27, 15F

10/20 23:36, , 16F
10/20 23:36, 16F

10/20 23:36, , 17F
Warning! Missile attack confirmed.
10/20 23:36, 17F

10/20 23:38, , 18F
All personnel evacuate immediately.
10/20 23:38, 18F

10/20 23:39, , 19F
10/20 23:39, 19F

10/20 23:40, , 20F
10/20 23:40, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1ClNruLp (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1ClNruLp (BioHazard)