
看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (保持平常心準備中頭彩)時間14年前 (2009/12/31 01:44), 編輯推噓7(702)
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網頁版: http://blog.roodo.com/reborning/archives/11230151.html Lag很久XD,趁今年結束前把它翻完,請各位惡靈迷多多指教... 1988 Wesker, under orders from Spencer, assassinates Marcus. Under Birkin's guidance,the T-Virus program begins development of the B.O.W. Tyrant. Umbrella begins work on the “Nemesis” project at its sixth European research facility. 1988年,Wesker在Spencer的命令下暗殺Marcus。在Birkin帶領下,T-病毒計劃開始發展 B.O.W.(Bio Organic Weapon,有機生命體兵器)─Tyrant(暴君)。 雨傘企業在其第六座歐洲研究設施開始進行Nemesis(復仇女神)計劃。 1991 Umbrella begins construction of an expansive underground laboratory beneath Raccoon City. Spencer approves Birkin's G-Virus projects and work begins on it. Wesker is transferred to the Information Department. 1991年,雨傘企業開始在浣熊市之下建造龐大的地下實驗室。Spencer同意了Birkin的G病 毒研究計劃並開始進行。 Wesker被轉派到雨傘企業的情報部門。 1992 Umbrella contributes funds for the refurbishment of City Hall and the building of the General Hospital. A statue of Michael Warren is erected in City Hall. 1992年,雨傘企業捐助資金用於浣熊市政府的翻新整修,以及一所綜合醫院的建造工程。 一座Michael Warren的雕像被豎立在市政府。 1993 Raccoon Cty Police Chief Brian Irons begins conducting negotiations with Umbrella. Birkin transfers to the underground lab in Raccoon City, clandestine meetings with Irons begin. Alfred Ashford graduates from a university in England, and becomes director of the Antarctic facility. He rises up the ranks to eventually become an executive of Umbrella, and then director of Rockfort Island. 1993年,浣熊市警局局長Brian Irons開始跟雨傘企業協商談判。Birkin被轉派到浣熊市 的地下實驗室,並開始跟Brian Irons秘密會面。 Alfred Ashford從英國的一所大學畢業後,成為雨傘企業南極洲基地的領導人。最後成為 雨傘企業的決策執行者,以及Rockfort島的主人。 備註: Rockfort島就是《惡靈古堡:聖女密碼》前半段的遊戲舞台。 (December) A training facility for Anti-B.O.W. squad members is completed. 1993年12月,反B.O.W.小隊成員的訓練設施完成。 1994 John from the Chicago lab takes over for Birkin at the Arklay Research Facility. Alfred builds a private mansion and prison on Rockfort Island. 1994年,從芝加哥實驗室來的John接替Birkin在Arklay山區研究設施的職務。 Alfred在Rockfort島建造私人宅邸跟監獄。 備註: John Howe成為Arklay山區研究設施的頭號研究員後,Ada便勾引他以取得暴君病毒的相關 資料。而在Marcus釋放T病毒後,John也成為受害者。 1996 Raccoon City Police Department's S.T.A.R.S. team is founded with Wesker as Captain. Hunk (later of the Umbrella Special Forces) undergoes combat training at Rockfort Island. 1996年,浣熊市警局S.T.A.R.S.(Special Tactics and Rescue Service)特殊部隊成立, 由Wesker擔任隊長。 Hunk(隸屬於稍晚的雨傘企業特殊部隊)在Rockfort島接受戰鬥訓練。 備註: Umbrella Special Forces是雨傘企業下的小型秘密部隊,直接向雨傘企業最高層負責。 Hunk則是隸屬於其下的Alpha小隊,曾被派往浣熊市的地下實驗設施執行回收G病毒的任務 。 1998 (May) A mysterious clone of Marcus's appears at the Umbrella Training Facility. There is a large scale viral leak at the Arklay mansion. The research lab there is destroyed. Cerberus claims its first victim: a 20-year-old woman whose body is found dismembered. 1998年5月,一個謎樣的Marcus複製品出現在雨傘企業訓練所。位於Arklay山區的宅邸發 生大規模的病毒外洩,實驗室被破壞。一具遭肢解的20歲女性屍體被發現,成為有機 生命體兵器Cerberus(僵屍犬)的第一個遇害者。 (June) Cerberus sightings are reported in a local Raccoon City magazine. 1998年6月,有機生命體兵器Cerberus(僵屍犬)的目擊報導登上浣熊市當地的一本雜誌版 面。 (July) Two groups are send to investigate the Training Facility. The first one is wped out by B.O.W.s located on the premises. There is an increase in reports of accidents and missing persons in the Arklay Mountain. The city sends the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team to investigate. Bravo Team's helicopter experiences engine trouble for unknown reasons, and is forced to put down in the Arklay Mountains. Bravo Team takes the Ecliptic Express to investigate the Training Facility, which is later destroyed. Alpha Team is send out to search for Bravo Team when communication is lost. The occurrence of the Mansion Incident. Bravo Team leader Enrico Marini learns Wesker's true identity. Wesker murders Enrico. Ravaged by the virus, the mansion and the lab are destroyed. Four members of Alpha Team and one member of Bravo Team escape the catastrophe. Survivors: Chris Redfield Jill Valentine Barry Burton Brad Vickers Rebecca Chambers Wesker escapes the Arklay Research Facility before it is destroyed. 1998年7月,兩支隊伍被派往訓練所調查,第一支隊伍遭到訓練所的有機生命體兵器攻擊 而全滅。 有愈來愈多關於在Arklay山區發生的意外及人口失蹤的報導。浣熊市政府派出S.T.A.R.S. 特殊部隊的Bravo小隊前往調查。 途中Bravo小隊所乘坐的直昇機因不明原因引擎故障,被迫降落在Arklay山區。Bravo小隊 再乘坐黃道特快車(稍晚遭破壞)前往訓練所調查。在Bravo小隊失去聯繫後,Alpha小隊被 派前往搜尋Bravo小隊。這便是宅邸事件。 Bravo小隊的隊長Enrico Marini知道了Wesker真正的目的,被Wesker幹掉。 由於病毒的肆虐,宅邸與實驗設施遭到破壞。4位Alpha小隊成員與1位Bravo小隊成員從這 場災難逃出,他們分別是: Chris Redfield Jill Valentine Barry Burton Brad Vickers Rebecca Chambers(Bravo小隊) Wesker在Arklay山區的實驗設施遭破壞前先行逃離。 備註: Ecliptic Express黃道特快車,屬於雨傘企業,往來浣熊市與Arklay山區的實驗設施。 1998年7月23日,James Marcus就是在這列車上放出暴君病毒,引發Arklay山區事件。 Ecliptic Express黃道特快車也就是《惡靈古堡0》一開始的遊戲舞台。 (August) Former S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield learns of the G-Virus and heads to Europe to investigate Umbrella. 1998年8月,前S.T.A.R.S.特殊部隊成員Chris Redfield瞭解了G病毒,動身前往歐洲調查 雨傘企業。 (September) The virus spreads throughout Raccoon City via infected mice. The city is declared a biohazard as incidents of “cannibalism” continue to rise. Birkin completes work on the G-Virus. A zombie horde attacks the city's police station. The police station is destroyed, and Chief Irons descends into mania. Warren escapes the city but leaves his daughter behind. U.B.C.S. (Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) arrives in the city to begin rescue operations. Rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy arrives in the city at the same time as Claire Redfield. Umbrella deploys the B.O.W. Nemesis T-Type into the city, and it begins its hunt for former S.T.A.R.S. member Jill Valentine. Umbrella deploys mass produced Tyrants into the city. Leon and Claire escape the city with William and Annette Birkin's daughter, Sherry. With the arrival of the U.S. military the city is placed under martial law. U.B.C.S. survivors are exploited by Umbrella's official observer of the situation, Nicholai Ginovaef, and they die off one by one. The hospital is destroyed.Ada Wong and HUNK each acquire samples of the G-Virus. The underground lab in Raccoon City is destroyed. 1998年9月,透過一隻遭到感染的老鼠,病毒散播到整個浣熊市。浣熊市被公告發生"人吃 人"的生化危機事件,而且情況持續惡化。 Birkin完成G病毒的研究工作。 一群僵屍攻擊浣熊市警察局。警察局遭到破壞,局長Irons陷入瘋狂,市長Warren拋下女 兒逃命。 U.B.C.S.雨傘企業生化危機應對部隊抵達浣熊市,展開救援行動。菜鳥警官Leon S. Kennedy與Claire Redfield也同時抵達浣熊市。 雨傘企業把其有機生命體兵器"復仇女神 T-Type"放到浣熊市,開始獵殺前S.T.A.R.S.特 殊部隊成員Jill Valentine。 雨傘企業放出更多量產型有機生命體兵器"暴君"到浣熊市。 Leon跟Claire帶著William與Annette Birkin的女兒─Sherry,逃出了浣熊市。 在美軍部隊抵達後,宣佈浣熊市進入戒嚴。 U.B.C.S.的生還者遭到雨傘企業觀察員Nicholai Ginovaef的利用,之後一個個死去。醫 院遭到破壞。 Ada Wong跟HUNK分別取得G病毒的樣本。 浣熊市的地下秘密實驗室遭到破壞。 備註: Ada是受雇於跟雨傘企業處於對抗關係的某組織的私家探員, 也以雙面諜角色跟Wesker共事。 (October) The U.S. government decides to eliminate the virus threat by destroying Raccoon City with a missile strike. 1998年10月,美國政府決定以飛彈攻擊摧毀浣熊市,以消弭病毒威脅。 (December) Claire infiltrates the Paris laboratory, only to be captured and imprisoned on Rockfort Island. Wesker attacks the island with his own private force and releases the T-Virus onto the island. Claire escapes from the prison and sends an e-mail to Leon asking for help. Her location is made known to Chris. Jill escapes Raccoon City and goes to Chris's apartment, but he has already left for Rockfort Island. Alfred Ashford escapes the island. Chris arrives at Rockfort Island and finds Wesker. Alexia Ashford wakes up from her cryogenic sleep at the Antarctic Base. Alfred dies shortly after. Claire and Chris are reunited at the Antarctic Base, and togeher they defeat Alexia. They escape before the base is destroyed. 1998年12月,Claire潛入雨傘企業在巴黎的實驗室,結果被俘虜並囚禁到Rockfort島。 Wesker以他的私人武力攻擊Rockfort島,並將T病毒釋放到島上。 Claire逃出監獄,並寄了一封e-mail給Leon要求援助。Chris也得知她所在的位置。 Jill逃離浣熊市後,前往Chris的住處,但Chris已前往Rockfort島。 Alfred Ashford逃離Rockfort島。 Chris抵達Rockfort島並發現了Wesker。 在南極洲基地的Alexia Ashford從低溫睡眠中甦醒過來。 Alfred之後沒多久就掛了。 Claire跟Chris在南極洲基地重逢,並合力打敗了Alexia。 他們在南極洲基地摧毀前逃出。 2002 Jack Krauser fakes his own death and joins Wesker's secret organization. 2002年Jack Krauser詐死並加入Wesker的秘密組織。 備註: Jack Krauser是跟Leon同期的前政府探員。 2003 (February) Chris and Jill take part in the mission to destroy the Umbrella Caucasus Research Facility in Russia. They were successful in destroying a new B.O.W. known as T-A.L.O.S. 2003年2月,Chris跟Jill參與摧毀雨傘企業位於俄羅斯高加索山地區的研究設施的任務。 他們成功摧毀了叫T-A.L.O.S.(Tyrant-Armoured Lethal Organic System)的新型有機生 命體兵器。 2004 The U.S. president's daughter, Ashley Graham, is kidnapped by the religious group known as the Los Illuminados. (The actual kidnapping was carried out by Krauser.)Leon Kennedy was schedules to join Ashley's Secret Service detail, but is ordered to find her instead. Leon Kennedy is injected with the Las Plagas parasite by the Los Illuminados. After that he and Ashley, who is also infected with the same parasite, take shelter in a church. After escaping the village, Leon and Ashley are forced to seek refuge in an old castle, but Ashley is once again apprehended. This time she is taken to an isolated island by Krauser under the orders of Ramon Salazar, the eighth head of the Salazar family. Leon confronts Salazar and defeats him. Leon heads to the island to find Ashley, and it is there that he defeats both Jack Krauser and Osmund Sadder, the leader of the Los Illuminados cult. Leon and Ashley use the facility on the island to remove the parasites. Ada Wong steals the Las Plagas parasite sample from Leon. Leon and Ashley escape from the island by jet ski. 2004年,美國總統的女兒─Ashley Graham,被叫做Los Illuminados的宗教團體綁架(實 際上是被Krauser綁架)。 Leon Kennedy原本是被指派參與Ashley的秘密服務細節(應該是指秘密保護Ashley的安全) ,但被命令去尋找她。 Leon Kennedy被Los Illuminados注射了Las Plagas寄生蟲,之後跟和他感染同樣寄生蟲的 Ashley,一起在一所教堂裡避難。 兩人在逃離村莊後,被迫在一座古老的城堡尋找庇護場所,但這時Ashley再度被抓走。 這次Ashley是被Krauser在Ramon Salazar命令下,抓到一座孤立的島上。 Ramon Salazar是Salazar家族的第八代領導人,Leon遭遇Ramon Salazar並打敗了他。 Leon繼續往島上前進尋找Ashley,在島上打敗了Jack Krauser跟Los Illuminados的領導 人Osmund Sadder。 Leon跟Ashley使用島上的設施移除身上的寄生蟲。Ada Wong從Leon身上偷走Las Plagas寄 生蟲的樣本。 兩人最後坐著水上摩托車逃出。 備註: Las Plagas寄生蟲是Los Illuminados教派用來控制受害者並招攬新信徒的工具。 之後想翻的是Wesker的部份,畢竟他是最關鍵的人物,只是不知道多久才能翻完了XD -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/31 01:48, , 1F
12/31 01:48, 1F

12/31 02:00, , 2F
12/31 02:00, 2F
※ 編輯: ilcr 來自: (12/31 02:14)

12/31 04:55, , 3F
感謝您的認真整理 文章已收錄精華區:)
12/31 04:55, 3F

12/31 04:55, , 4F
12/31 04:55, 4F

12/31 14:58, , 5F
12/31 14:58, 5F

01/01 12:22, , 6F
真的是LAG很久...但還是好文!!! 拜託大大要寫完阿QQ
01/01 12:22, 6F

01/01 12:24, , 7F
01/01 12:24, 7F

01/08 04:27, , 8F
01/08 04:27, 8F

01/09 12:57, , 9F
01/09 12:57, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1BEv5vdS (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #1BEv5vdS (BioHazard)