
看板BioHazard (惡靈古堡)作者 (隨時準備中頭彩)時間15年前 (2009/03/21 01:54), 編輯推噓17(1704)
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上禮拜把5代破了 看到遊戲裡圖書館文件的惡靈古堡歷史年表 想說剛好可以瞭解一下故事劇情 因為之前只是知道概要 也順便翻譯練英文 不嫌棄的話也可以提供想了解故事的板友參考 由於文件年表是各年大事概要敘述 所以我會加一些註解 以免大家看得一頭霧水 預計最少一個禮拜發一篇 謝謝 _______________________________________________________ History of BIOHAZARD 1960s Engineer Michael Warren begins the electrification of Raccoon City. 1960年代,工程師Michael Warren開始了拉肯市的電氣化工程。 The fifth head of the Ashford family, Edward Ashford, begins his research into what would later become known as the Progenitor virus. Ashford家族第五代的大當家Edward Ashford開始了他的研究, 這個研究就成為後來所謂的始祖病毒。 1962 Ozwell E. Spencer enlists architect George Trever to design and construct a reclusive mansion on the outskirts of Raccoon City. 1962年,Ozwell E. Spencer找來建築師George Trever在拉肯市 郊區,設計建造一棟隱匿的宅邸。 註1. Ozwell E. Spencer是Edward Ashford的同事,跟James Marcus 是發現始祖病毒的三位科學家之一,其廣為人知的身份, 就是後來在惡靈古堡裡佔據關鍵地位的Umbrella雨傘企業的總裁。 註2. 這棟在拉肯市郊區的建築,就是台版翻譯所指的惡靈古堡, 也就是系列遊戲故事發生的開端所在。 1966 (December) Ozwell E. Spencer, James Marcus, and Edward Ashford officially establish the Progenitor virus which reconstitutes a living organism's DNA. 1966年12月 Ozwell E. Spencer, James Marcus,及Edward Ashford三人, 正式確認了可以重新建構有機生命體DNA的始祖病毒。 1967 (November) The construction of the mansion and lab facilities in the Arklay Mountains is completed. 1967年11月 位於拉肯市郊Arklay山區的宅邸跟實驗設施建造完工。 Jessica and Lisa Trevor are injected with a variant of the Progenitor virus. The virus fails to establish itself in Jessica, and she is subsequently disposed of. The virus shows promise in Lisa, and as a result she is placed under close observation. Jessica跟Lisa Trevor分別被注射了始祖病毒的變種病毒。 注入Jessica身體裡的病毒沒有成功存活,而她隨即就被處置掉。 注入Lisa身體裡的病毒則很快發生突變,於是Lisa受到嚴密觀察。 George Trevor is chosen to be a test subject; however, due to his intimate knowledge of the Mansion Facility, he is disposed of instead. George Trevor原本也是病毒注射的實驗品;然而由於他對宅邸各項設施 的熟悉,取而代之先被處置掉。 註. George Trevor是Ozwell E. Spencer找來建造拉肯市郊宅邸的建築師, Jessica Trevor是他的妻子,Lisa Trevor是他的女兒。 由於Ozwell E. Spencer擔心哪一天George Trevor可能洩漏有關宅邸跟實驗設施 的秘密,於是把他囚禁在宅邸某處,綁架他的妻女當作病毒注射的活體實驗品。 George Trevor被孤獨痛苦囚禁,最後死在他自己一手設計打造, 這座充滿各種神秘機關的隱匿宅邸,可說是遊戲裡受害最慘的一家人。 To be continued 待續... 網頁版: http://blog.roodo.com/reborning/archives/cat_638647.html -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/21 02:00, , 1F
03/21 02:00, 1F

03/21 02:19, , 2F
03/21 02:19, 2F

03/21 02:35, , 3F
03/21 02:35, 3F

03/21 03:26, , 4F
03/21 03:26, 4F

03/21 05:00, , 5F
03/21 05:00, 5F

03/21 08:00, , 6F
03/21 08:00, 6F

03/21 08:22, , 7F
03/21 08:22, 7F

03/21 08:22, , 8F
03/21 08:22, 8F

03/21 08:23, , 9F
不過Raccoon City叫"浣熊市"會不會比較好聽?
03/21 08:23, 9F

03/21 09:28, , 10F
good job!
03/21 09:28, 10F

03/21 10:58, , 11F
03/21 10:58, 11F

03/21 15:48, , 12F
拉昆市 比較好聽
03/21 15:48, 12F

03/21 17:01, , 13F
03/21 17:01, 13F

03/21 17:06, , 14F
拉昆是音譯、浣熊是意譯 沒啥好爭的
03/21 17:06, 14F

03/21 18:04, , 15F
恐龍危機二, 真的是恐龍的危機= = 怪都被殺假的..
03/21 18:04, 15F

03/22 00:07, , 16F
03/22 00:07, 16F

03/22 14:52, , 17F
George Trevor五購雖
03/22 14:52, 17F

03/22 21:40, , 18F
03/22 21:40, 18F

03/23 01:35, , 19F
03/23 01:35, 19F

03/23 06:36, , 20F
03/23 06:36, 20F

03/24 21:41, , 21F
03/24 21:41, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #19mzXByA (BioHazard)
文章代碼(AID): #19mzXByA (BioHazard)