[OOTP] OOTP 10 Patch2.16

看板Baseball_Sim (棒球遊戲)作者 (Salanheo)時間15年前 (2009/07/17 06:36), 編輯推噓0(000)
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請參考官方網站 http://www.ootpdevelopments.com/joomla/the-news-ootp/patches-ootp.html patch內容... 10.2.16 Fixes Many of the bugs noted as fixed below were minor issues that only cropped up in very rare circumstances. If a bug was logged publicly, more detail may be found in the Logged Issues or Closed/Claimed Fixed forums. Use the forum search capability to search for threads with the bug # in the title! * Fixed problem with disabled list notifications for minor league players * Fixed problem with crash when scouting accuracy set to "High" PS...載點要找一下 XDDD PSS... 英特衛版不知能玩嗎? .... 在下不敢更新.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1ANwjLZ3 (Baseball_Sim)
文章代碼(AID): #1ANwjLZ3 (Baseball_Sim)