[閒聊][AM] 最近的公告...

看板AviationGame (飛機遊戲 - 飛行遊戲 - 航空遊戲)作者 (德貝蘭吉爾)時間15年前 (2010/01/07 23:36), 編輯推噓1(102)
留言3則, 2人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛看了一下公告,今天有兩則新公告 想請教一下大家 第一則公告 Crashed table This morning we had a crash in a few tables. The issue was resolved. We are truly sorry for any problems this may have caused you. Thank you for your patience. 這篇我剛開始看到,想說crash in a few tables 是不是他們那邊發生地震了,所以主機紛紛從桌上掉下來...XDDDD 沒啦...後來看懂了 應該指的是有些表單的資料出現問題,不是server主機掉在桌上 --- 第二篇公告 A few corrections Dear all Today we made a few correction in airports. Jakarta and Cengkareng was a duplicate. Cengkareng was removed. All flights to or from Cengkareng is changed to Jakarta. Palu and Tanjung Selor had some wrong information about the airports, which has been corrected. Cambridge and Hobart was a duplicate. Hobart was removed, and all flights to or from Hobart was changed to Cambridge Greater porto and Porte was a duplicate. Porto was removed, and all flights to or from porto was changed to Greater porto. Bosnia and Herzegovina only return 1 city when searching, due to a small glitch. It should now show both cities in the database. 我比較感興趣的是Porto的那段話 因為我有飛Porto的航線 全部被移到Greater Porto,結果和原先就有的Greater Porto重複 變成同一條航線塞了六架飛機...XD 這不是已經超過同一航線三架飛機的上限了嗎? 另外也有其他的航點被整併 應該也會出現相同的情形吧... -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/08 03:56, , 1F
01/08 03:56, 1F

01/08 03:57, , 2F
不過很有創意 XD 我笑了
01/08 03:57, 2F

01/08 19:15, , 3F
01/08 19:15, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1BHV-E-F (AviationGame)
文章代碼(AID): #1BHV-E-F (AviationGame)