[卡表] Water(水系) 1.3 中英文

看板AstralMaster (靈魂之主/占星大師/龍之國度)作者時間18年前 (2006/06/01 08:02), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Water cards Acidic Drake Water creature, cost 5. Attack 2, life 15. Attacks all enemies. Whenever owner sacrifices a card Acidic Drake deals 3 damage to each opponent's creature. 酸液小龍 攻擊所有敵人. 每當擁有者犧牲一張手牌, 酸液小龍對每隻對手的生物造成3點傷害 Acidic Wall Water creature, cost 3. Attack 0, life 18. Whenever owner sacrifices a card Acidic Wall deals 3 damage to each opponent's creature. 酸液牆 每當擁有者犧牲一張手牌, 酸液牆對每隻對手的生物造成3點傷害. Adept of Power Water creature, cost 3. Attack 3, Life 15. Ability (cost 1) Deals X damage to target creature where X is equal to owner's astral power. Decreases by 1 owner's astral power. 能量高手 能力 (費用 1) 對目標生物造成X點傷害, X等同於擁有者的靈魂力量. 降低擁有者1點靈魂力量. Astral Analysis Water spell, cost 4. Increases by 1 owner's astral power. Owner receives a card. 靈魂分析 增加擁有者1點靈魂力量. 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Astral Chaneller Water creature, cost 2 Attack 1, life 14 Whenever owner summon creature with cost 4 or more Astral Chaneller increases by 1 owners's astral power. 靈魂香奈爾? 每當擁有者招喚費用大於等於4的生物時, 增加擁有者1點靈魂力量. Astral Collapse Water spell, cost 7. Deal 4*X damage to each opponent's creature where X is equal to number of opponent's creatures. 靈魂崩毀 對每隻對手的生物造成4*X的傷害, X等同於對手的生物數量. Astral Guard Water creature, cost 3. Attack 1, Life 18. Each spell opponent cast deals 4*X damage to Astral Guard instead of normal spell's effect where X is equal to that spell cost. 靈魂守衛 每個對手施放的法術對靈魂守衛造成4*X點的傷害, X等同於該法術之費用. 該法術失去原有的效果. Astral Judge Water creature, cost 4. Attack 4, Life 18. Ability (cost 4) Deals X damage to each opponent's creature where X is that creature's attack. 靈魂審判者 能力 (費用 4) 對每隻對手的生物造成X點傷害, X等同於該生物的攻擊. Astral Search Water spell, cost 6. Caster chooses any card in his or her deck and receives copy of that card. Caster gains X life where X is equal to cost of choosen card. 靈魂搜尋 施法者選擇其牌庫裡的任一牌, 並且獲得該牌的複製. 施法者獲得X點生命, X等同於該牌的費用. Call to Fittest Water spell, cost 3. Caster chooses any creature in his or her deck and receives copy of that creature to his or her hand. 量身訂做 施法者選擇其牌庫裡的任一生物牌, 並且獲得該牌的複製. Clone Water spell, cost 1. Caster choses any creature in play and receives copy of that creature to his or her hand. 複製 施法者選擇場上的任一生物, 並且獲得該牌的複製. Deep Meditation Water spell, cost 4. Increases caster's astral power by 2. Caster receives X life where X is equal to number of owner's creatures. 深沉冥思 增加施法者2點靈魂力量. 施法者獲得X點生命, X等同於擁有者的生物數量. Divine Justice Water spell, cost 5. Heals up to 12 life to target creature. Deals 12 damage to each other creature. 神聖審判 最多治療目標生物12點生命. 對其餘的每隻生物造成12點傷害. Duplicated Matrix Water spell, cost 2. Caster chooses any spell in his or her deck and receives copy of that spell. 複製母體 施法者選擇其牌庫裡的任一法術牌, 並且獲得該牌的複製. Final Sacrifice Water spell, cost 4 Deals X damage to each player where X is equal to half of caster's life rounded down. 最終犧牲 對每位玩家造成X點傷害, X等同於施法者的一半生命, 無條件捨去. Giant Turtle Water creature, cost 4. Attack 4, life 15. All damage done to Giant Turtle is decreased by 3. 巨龜 所有對巨龜造成的傷害少3. Ice Elemental Water creature, cost 7. Attack is equal to owners's astral power, life 30. Loses 3 life each turn. 冰元素 攻擊等同於擁有者的靈魂力量, 生命30. 每回合少3點生命. Ice Golem Water creature, cost 4. Attack 4, life 25. Receive no damage from spells and abilities. Loses 3 life each turn. 寒冰泥人 法術與能力不能對其造成傷害. 每回合少3點生命. Ice Guard Water creature, cost 4. Attack 3, life 20. Reduces by 50% all damage done to owner (damage is done rounded up). Looses 3 life each turn. 寒冰守衛 減少50%對擁有者的所有傷害(造成的傷害無條件進位). 每回合少3點生命. Justice Water spell, cost 4. Deals X damage to each opponent's creature where X is equal to that creature's attack. Caster receives a card. 正義 對每隻對手的生物造成X點傷害, X等同於該生物的攻擊. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Materialize Water spell, cost 4. Caster chooses any card in his or her deck and receives copy of that card. 具現化 施法者選擇其牌庫裡的任一牌, 並且獲得該牌的複製. Meditation Water spell, cost 1. Increases by 1 caster's astral power. 冥想 增加施法者1點靈魂力量. Merfolk Duplicator Water creature, cost 3. Attack 3, Life 14. Ability (cost 4) Owner receives copy of target creature to his or her hand. 人魚複製者 能力 (費用 4) 擁有者獲得目標生物的複製牌 Merfolk Elder Water creature, cost 2. Attack 1, Life 10. Ability (cost 2) Increases by 2 owner's astral power. Owner loses a card. 人魚長者 能力 (費用 2) 增加擁有者2點靈魂力量. 擁有者損失一張手牌. Merfolk Hunter Water creature, cost 3. Attack 3, Life 12. Ability (cost 1) Deals 10 damage to target opponent's creature and 6 damage to self. 人魚獵人 對目標對手生物造成10點傷害, 並且對自己造成6點傷害. Merfolk Scout Water creature, cost 4. Attack 4, Life 15. Whenever Merfolk Scout damages opponent it increases by 1 owner's astral power. 人魚斥候 每當人魚斥候對對手造成傷害, 增加擁有者1點靈魂力量. Merfolk Shaman Water creature, cost 2. Attack 1, life 8. When comes into play increases by 1 owner's astral power. 人魚薩滿 當進場的時候, 增加擁有者1點靈魂力量. Merfolk Spellbreaker Water creature, cost 5. Attack 4, life 14. Each spell opponent cast deals 10 damage to Merfolk Spellbreaker instead of normal spell's effect. 人魚破法者 每個對手施放的法術對人魚破法者造成10點的傷害, X等同於該法術之費用. 該法術失去原有的效果. Merfolk Summoner Water creature, cost 2. Attack 2, Life 12. Ability (cost 9) Summons Ice elemenal (X/30) to target empty slot. 人魚招喚師 能力 (費用 9) 招喚冰元素 (X/30)到目標空格. Merfolk Trapper Water creature, cost 3. Attack 2, life 12. Whenever opponent summons a creature Merfolk Trapper deals 10 damage to that creature and 6 damage to self. 人魚陷阱師 每當對手招喚生物, 人魚陷阱者對該生物造成10點傷害, 並對自己造成6點傷害 Mind Master Water creature, cost 6. Attack 4, Life 20. Ability (cost 4) Owner chooses any card in his or her deck and receives copy of that card. This ability cannot be used the same turn as Mind Master is summoned. 心靈大師 能力 (費用 4) 擁有者選擇其牌庫裡的任一牌, 並且獲得該牌的複製. 在招喚心靈大師的同一回合, 不能使用此能力. Ocean Master Water creature, cost 6. Attack 4, life 28. Whenever damages a player reduces by 2 his or her astral power. 海洋大師 每當其對玩家造成傷害, 減少該玩家心靈力量2點. Sea Sprite Water creature, cost 3. Attack 6, life 20. Deals 2 damage to owner each turn. 海洋小妖精 每回合對擁有者造成2點傷害. Storm Drake Water creature, cost 3. Attack 3, life 14. Attacks all enemies. All damage done to Storm Drake is increased by 2 風暴小龍 攻擊所有敵人. 所有對風暴小龍造成的傷害增加2. Storm Ritual Water spell, cost 3. Increases caster's astral power by 1. If caster's astral power becomes 6 or greater Storm Ritual deals 6 damage to each opponent's creature. 風暴祭禮 增加施法者的1點靈魂能量. 如果施法者的靈魂能量變成大於等於6點, 風暴祭禮對每隻對手的生物造成6點傷害. United Mind Water spell, cost 5. Increases by X casters's astral power where X is equal to number of caster's creatures. 統一思想 增加施法者X點靈魂能量, X等同於施法者的生物數量. Wall of Ice Water creature, cost 1. Attack 0, Life 10. Loses 3 life each turn. When comes into play owner receives a card. 冰之牆 每回合少3點生命. 當進場的時候, 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Wall of Eternal Ice Water creature, cost 6. Attack 0, Life 75. Ability (cost 2) Deals 3 damage to each opponent's creature. 永恆冰牆 能力 (費用 2) 對每隻對手生物造成3點傷害. Wall of Reflection Water creature, cost 3. Attack 0, life 24. Whenever opponent's creature damages Wall of Reflection it deals equal damage to that creature. Ability (cost 1) Wall of Reflection moves to target empty slot. 反射之牆 每當對手的生物對反射之牆造成傷害, 它對該生物造成等量之傷害. 能力 (費用 1) 反射之牆移動至目標空格. Water Elemental Water creature, cost 8. Attack is equal to owner's astral power, life 25. When comes in to play increases by 1 owner's astral power. 水元素 攻擊等同於擁有者的靈魂能量, 生命25. 每當進場的時候, 增加擁有者1點靈魂能量. Merfolk Powerkeeper Water creature, cost 1. Attack 2, life 8. Whenever Merfolk Powerkeeper dies, owner''s Astral power is increased by 1. 人魚監護者 每當人魚監護者死亡, 增加擁有者1點靈魂能量. Merfolk Apostate Water creature, cost 1 Attack 2, life 11. Ability (cost 1) Reduces by 1 owner's astral power. Owner receives a card. 人魚反叛者 能力 (費用 1) 降低擁有者1點靈魂能量. 擁有者獲得一張手牌. Giant toad Water creature, cost 5 Attack 5, life 24. When comes into play owner receives a card for each other Giant Toad he has in play. 巨蟾蜍 當進場的時候, 場上其餘的每隻巨蟾蜍可以使擁有者獲得一張手牌. Acidic Rain Water spell, cost 4 Deals to each opponent's creature damage equal to half of that creature's life (rounded up). Caster receives a card. 酸雨 對每隻對手生物造成等同於該生物生命一半之傷害(無條件進位). 施法者獲得一張手牌. Gifts of Sea Water spell, cost 3 Caster chooses any other water card in his or her deck and receives two copies of that card. 海洋的禮物 施法者選擇其牌庫裡的任一其他水系牌, 並且獲得該牌的2份複製牌. Merfolk Overlord Water creature, cost 4 Attack 4, life 16. Increases attack of all other owner's merfolks by 2. Whenever owner sacrifices a card his or her astral power increases by 1 in addition to sacrifice effect. 人魚領主 增加其餘的人魚攻擊2. 每當擁有者犧牲一張手牌, 額外再增加1靈魂能量. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tuju 來自: (06/01 22:50)
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