[卡表] Fire(火系) 1.3 中英文

看板AstralMaster (靈魂之主/占星大師/龍之國度)作者時間18年前 (2006/06/01 08:01), 編輯推噓3(306)
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Fire cards Amnesia Fire spell, cost 5. Opponent loses all spells from his or her hand. 健忘 對手失去手上的所有法術牌. Armageddon Fire spell, cost 4. Destroys all creatures. Reduces by X each player's astral power where X is equal to number of destroyed creatures. 世界末日 消滅所有生物. 每位玩家損失X點靈魂能量, X等同於消滅的生物數量. Astral Burn. Fire spell, cost 1. Deals 3 damage to opponent. Deals X damage to each opponent's creature where X is that creature's cost. 靈魂燃燒 對對手造成3點傷害. 對每隻對手的生物造成X點傷害, X等同該生物的費用. Bargul Fire creature, cost 4. Attack 5, Life 12. Receive no damage from spells and abilities. When comes into play deals 10 damage to each creature. 巴狗?巨魔? 法術與能力不對其造成傷害. 當進場的時候, 對每隻生物造成10點傷害. Bastion of Darkness Fire creature, cost 5. Attack 0, Life 40. Regenerates 4 life each turn. Ability (cost 2) Deals 12 damage to target opponent's creature and 12 damage to self 黑暗堡壘 每回合恢復4點生命 能力 (費用 2) 對目標對手生物造成12點傷害 並對自己造成12點傷害. Blood Ritual Fire spell, cost 4. Destroys target owner's creature. Deals X damage to each opponent's creature where X is equal to life of destroyed creature 血之祭禮 消滅目標擁有者的生物. 對每隻對手的生物造成X點傷害, X等同於消滅生物的生命. Burning Ritual Fire spell, cost 3. Reduces by 1 opponent's astral power. Deals 3 damage to opponent. 燃燒祭禮 降低對手1點靈魂能量. 對對手造成3點傷害. Curse Fire spell, cost 4. Reduces by 1 opponent's astral power. Opponent loses a card. 詛咒 降低對手1點靈魂能量. 對手失去一張手牌. Cursed Rain Fire spell, cost 4. Deals 6 damage to each creature. Reduces by 1 opponent's astral power. 詛咒之雨 對每隻生物造成6點傷害. 降低對手1點靈魂能量. Dark Priest Fire creature, cost 4. Attack 2, Life 10. When comes into play reduces by 1 opponent's astral power. 暗黑牧師 當進場的時候, 降低對手1點靈魂能量. Drain Power Fire spell, cost 5. Reduces by 1 opponent's astral power. Caster receives a card. 力量吸收 降低對手1點靈魂能量. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Efreet Fire creature, cost 8. Attack 8, Life 30. When comes in to play deals 10 damage to each opponent's creature. 依佛烈特?炎魔? 當進場的時候, 對每隻對手的生物造成10點傷害. Fire Ball Fire spell, cost 5. Deals 3+astral power damage to each opponent's creature. 火球術 對每隻對手的生物造成(3+靈魂能量)的傷害. Fire Bolt Fire spell, cost 1. Deals 9 damage to target creature. 火焰箭 對目標生物造成9點傷害. Fire Elemental Fire creature, cost 6. Attack is equal to owner's astral power, life 20. When comes in to play deals 3 damage to opponent and each opponent's creature. 火元素 攻擊等同於擁有者之靈魂能量, 生命20. 當進場的時候, 對對手和每隻對手的生物造成3點傷害. Fire Spikes Fire spell, cost 2. Deals 3 damage to each opponent's creature. Caster receives a card. 火之釘 對每隻對手的生物造成3點傷害. 施法者獲得一張手牌. Fire Spirit Fire creature, cost 1. Attack 4, life 9. When comes into play deals 2 damage to owner. 火幽靈 當進場的時候, 對擁有者造成2點傷害. Goblin Shaman Fire creature, cost 1. Attack 3, life 8. Whenever owner cast fire or air spell Goblin Shaman deals 2 damage to opponent. 哥布林薩滿 每當擁有者施放火系或者風系法術時, 哥布林薩滿對對手造成2點傷害. Goblin Trapper Fire creature, cost 3. Attack 4, Life 12. Whenever opponent summons a creature Goblin Trapper deals 4 damage to that creature. 哥布林陷阱師 每當對手招喚生物時, 哥布林陷阱者對該生物造成4點傷害. Goblin Witch Fire creature, cost 2. Attack 4, Life 10. When comes into play reduces by 1 each players astral power. 哥布林女巫 當進場的時候, 降低每位玩家1點靈魂能量. Hammer of Ancients Fire spell, cost 4. Deals 5 damage to target opponent's creature. Whenever a player casts Hammer of Ancients it is left in caster's hand. 上古之鎚 對目標對手生物造成5點傷害. 每當玩家施放上古之鎚時, 上古之鎚回到玩家手上. Inferno Fire spell, cost 8. Deals 3+X damage to opponent and opponent's creatures where X is caster's astral power. 地獄火 對對手和所有對手的生物造成3+X的傷害, X等同於施法者的靈魂能量. Lord of Pain Fire creature, cost 7. Attack 8, life 35. Owner may sacrifice any number of cards per turn. Whenever owner sacrifices a card Lord of Pain deals 5 damage to each wall. 痛苦之王 擁有者每回合可以犧牲任意數量之手牌. 每當擁有者犧牲手牌時, 痛苦之王對所有的牆造成5點傷害. Memory Burn Fire spell, cost 7. Opponent looses 4 cards. 記憶燃燒 對手失去4張手牌. Minotaur Fire creature, cost 5. Attack 5, life 20. When comes into play if there is a creature in the opposite slot deals 5 damage to that creature. 彌諾陶?牛頭人? 當進場的時候, 如果其對面位置有生物, 則對該生物造成5點傷害. Ogre Berserker Fire creature, cost 3. Attack 4, Life 13. Ability (cost 3) Deals 10 damage to creature in the opposite slot and 5 damage to owner. 食人巨魔狂戰士 能力 (費用 3) 對其對面位置的生物造成10點傷害 並且對擁有者造成5點傷害 Ogre Soldier Fire creature, cost 2. Attack 5, life 15. If there is a creature with cost 5 or greater in the opposite slot, Ogre soldier skips his attack. 食人巨魔士兵 如果其對面位置生物的費用大於等於5, 食人巨魔士兵略過其攻擊. Orc Shaman Fire creature, cost 1. Attack 2, Life 8. Ability (cost 4) Deals 8 damage to target opponent's creature 獸人薩滿 能力 (費用 4) 對目標對手生物造成8點傷害. Orc Chieftain Fire creature, cost 3. Attack 3, life 13. Increases by 1 attack of all other owner's non-wall creatures. 獸人酋長 擁有者的其他所有非牆生物力量加1. Orc Soldier Fire creature, cost 2. Attack 4, life 14. When comes into play if owner's astral power is 2 or less deals 4 damage to owner. 獸人士兵 當進場的時候, 如果擁有者的靈魂能量小於等於2, 對擁有者造成4點傷害. Planar Burst Fire spell, cost 3. Deals 5*X damage to each creature where X is equal to caster's astral power. 界域爆裂 對每隻生物造成5*X的傷害, X等同於施法者的靈魂能量. Plasma Bolt Fire spell, cost 6 Deals (4+astral power) damage to target opponent's creature and that creature's owner. 等離子箭 對目標對手生物和該生物的擁有者造成(4+靈魂能量)的傷害. Rune of Astral Fire Fire spell, cost 1. Destroys target creature with cost 3 or less. Deals 3 damage to caster. 心靈火燄符文 消滅費用小於等於3之目標生物. 對施法者造成3點傷害. Rune of Burning Fire Fire spell, cost 3. Destroys target creature with cost 5 or less. Deals 3 damage to caster. 燃燒火焰符文 消滅費用小於等於5之目標生物. 對施法者造成3點傷害. Rune of Eternal Fire Fire spell, cost 5. Destroys target creature. Deals 3 damage to caster. 永恆火燄符文 消滅目標生物. 對施法者造成3點傷害. Runemaster Fire creature, cost 5. Attack 5, Life 18. Ability (cost 4) Destroys target creature with cost 4 or less and opponent receives a card. 符文大師 能力 (費用 4) 消滅費用小於等於4之目標生物, 並且對手獲得一張手牌. Salamander Fire creature, cost 7. Attack 2, Life 30. Attacks all enemies. Ability (cost 1) Deals 10 damage to target creature and 10 damage to self. 沙羅曼蛇?火蜥蜴? 攻擊所有敵人. 能力 (費用 1) 對目標生物造成10點傷害 並對自己造成10點傷害. Slaying the Weakest Fire spell, cost 2. Destroys target opponent's creature with attack less than caster's astral power. 殺嫩逼 消滅攻擊小於施法者靈魂能量的目標對手生物. Wall of Blood Fire creature, cost 6. Attack 0, life 15. Whenever owner sacrifices a card he receives a card in addition to sacrifice effect. 血牆 每當擁有者犧牲手牌時, 他額外獲得一張手牌. Wall of Fire Fire creature, cost 2. Attack 0, life 24. When comes into play deals 4 damage to opponent and opponent's creatures. 火牆 當進場的時候, 對對手和對手的所有生物造成4點傷害. Offering to Dorlak Fire spell, cost 1. Destroys target caster''s creature. Caster receives 2 cards. Caster receives 2 mana points. 督拉客獻祭 消滅目標施法者的生物. 施法者獲得2張手牌. 施法者獲得2魔力點. Wrath of Dorlak Fire spell, cost 9. Destroys all creatures. Caster receives a card for each destroyed caster's creature. 督拉客之怒 消滅所有生物. 施法者每消滅一隻生物則獲得一張牌. Priest of Dorlak Fire creature, cost 4. Attack 3, life 16. When comes into play drains all owner's mana points. Ability (cost 2) Destroys target owner's creature. Owner receives 2 cards. 督拉客牧師 當進場的時候, 吸乾擁有者的所有法力點. 能力 (費用 2) 消滅目標擁有者的生物. 擁有者獲得2張手牌. Emissary of Dorlak Fire creature, cost 7. Attack 7, life 20. Creature in the opposite slot skips it's attack and can't use ability. 督拉客密使 對面位置的生物略過該攻擊 並且不能使用能力. Goblin Slinger Fire creature, cost 1. Attack 3, life 8. Ability (cost 1) Deals to opponent damage equal to number of owner's goblins in play. 哥布林投石者 能力 (費用 1) 對對手造成等同於擁有者在場哥布林數量之傷害. Goblin Researcher Fire creature, cost 3. Attack 3, life 13. Ability (cost 2) Owner looses all cards and receives one card. 哥布林研究者 能力 (費用 2) 擁有者失去所有手牌, 並且獲得一張手牌 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

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06/01 11:26, 1F

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06/01 11:35, 2F

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06/01 14:07, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #14VYu_jg (AstralMaster)